Monday, February 6, 2012


All I have to say about this is that the New England Patriots LOST :( . Their my favorite football team, and I was really upset that they LOST! The SCORE WAS ....

21   (New York Giants)

17    (New England Patriots)

So I'm a bit upset about the pats losing. But it's all good, at least they made it into the Super Bowl. Hope everyone had a good football season, NEXT IS BASEBALL! GO CINCINNATI REDS!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Favorite Music

So right now I seem to really be liking the Dance music the most.


Artist: David Guetta

Song: Turn Me On 

That song is freaken awesome! 

So in March I'm going down to Florida with my brother to visit my dad. We're going to fly down, we got tickets for $304.40 that's with tax and fees. I didn't think that was to bad since i'm booking the flight in under 2 months. 

I also bought a Asus Transformer Prime (it's a tablet pc), here is a picture of what it looks like. 

So that is what the tablet looks like. But I've yet to get it, because their sold out at every store where I live. So I ordered it on-line at but guess what, THEY BACK ORDERED IT THIS MORNING!
WTF right, I was so pissed. They say it can take up to 2 weeks now for me to get it in the mail. But once I get it I'll post some picture of here on here.

Well Hope everyone is having a great week!

Sam Kidder

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Never Post ?!?

Well it seems that I'm really bad at posting anything on here. So maybe I'll try posting on here again? Well lets see how it goes lol. So I just finished my 2nd week of school, I really need to get my crap together. I'm doing fine in my classes but I've yet to read anything. I have test coming up in a 2 weeks and IDK how I'm going to do on the test. So I hope this weekend I'll start reading so I know what is going on :) !  

At the moment I'm picking out songs to add to a playlist I've made on itunes for my birthday. I know it's not till April 24th but it can't hurt coming up with a play list of music before then! I just bought the CD "That That Talk" by Rihanna, I really like the CD a lot. It's taken a couple play through's for me to really like the CD. Anyway I hope everyone is having a great new year!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

I need to lose weight!

So I'm totally not happy at all with my weight. I won't post it on here but lets say it's not a good weight at all. I've given up pop and now I need to start getting better! I'm tired of looking the way I do and I want to feel better also. So as of right now I'm going to start eating better. I think some shopping is needed for this maybe tomorrow , not sure. But if there is food in the house that is better for me I'm more likely to eat it. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Sam Kidder

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Gifts ?!?

So I'm having problems picking out what I want to buy people for Christmas. I've already for my grandma's, aunt's and my aunts mom's gift. But I still need to get my grandpa, brother, uncle and dad a gift. Then I need to buy my friends a gift also. But I'm pretty sure my friends are getting gift cards, it's easier to pick out and I want them to be used. I so much money to be spent on people blah :/ . Oh well that's life LOL . Hope everyone has a great week!

Peace Out,

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Shopping

Well I went with my friend and her aunts out black friday shopping. We went to Wal-Mart , Target and Kohl's . I only bought one thing at the whole night out and that was at Target. I've been looking at these shoe's for a couple weeks now but I didn't want to buy them at there normal price. So they were on sale for $12.00 and I felt that they were a good price then. So i bought them :) lol here's what they look like.

So I'm pretty happy with them :). There really nice to walk in so that's good. Other than the shoe's I really didn't see anything that i wanted to bad. If i had more money then I'd bought a few things maybe.

Peace out

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Yeah so I've not posted anything on here in a long long time LOl. I'm just starting winter break for school WOOP! I don't have to go back to school till January 9, 2012 :) . I can't believe next year is 2012 and I'm going to be 21 years old WTF. I feel really old, I can't believe I've been out of high school almost 3 years! Anyway nothing to exciting is going on with my life. I just wanted to post an update on here, I think i might start posting more on here if i remember!

Peace and Love
Sam :)