Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas from my Dad


So I don't live with my dad, he lives in Florida. My parents aren't together if your wondering why I was only talking about him in Florida. Anyway so he sent myself and my brother up our christmas presents. He also sent us a christmas card, but we can't open that till christmas day. So my dad got both my brother and myself the same things just a little different. Here is what my dad got my for christmas...
  • Candy :)
  • Florida Gator's shirt (the college i hope to go to)
  • Disney 2011 shirt
  • and a Florida Gator's blanket
It might not sound like much to anyone else but to me it was wonderful. I was very happy to get everything and I hope he has a really good Christmas in Florida. Here are some picture I took of the stuff i got!

I hope that everyone has a great Christmas, of if you don't do christmas then whatever your religion is i hope you have a great time with family and friends. Remember to be thankful for everything you own and have. Just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Just look up and remember that your still able to get out of bed!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Third Reich: The Fall


So tonight on the History Channel they were showing "Thrid Reich: The Fall". Now for someone who is reading this, I am not a person who is a Neo Nazi or anything. I do watch a lot of Hitler stuff but just because it's interesting thats all. Anyway, so tonight the show was from 1939-1945, it talked about from when hitler chose to start a war with Poland. He said that Poland attacked some of the peopel in Germany, which wasn't true, he just wanted to start a war. Anyway it went from there to when the US and other "good" countries went in and stopped Hitler. It showed how the people that lived in towns and thought that nothing was going on outside there town had put the dead jews in the ground. It mad me sad to a point I mean I know that stuff happened but to see it in film that people that lived their really took at the time the events were happening. Anyway, at some point I really want to travel to Germany, to see where all the history things from WWII. So yeah here's some of the picture i took off the tv show.

SO yeah, umm hope everyone is having a great weekend :) !



Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Third Reich: The Rise


So I'm watching "Third Reich: The Rise" on the History Channel, its the rise of Adolf Hitler. I'm not some crazy Neo Nazi or anything but I do find Hitler very interesting. I have a few books on Hitler, and I watch almost everything on tv that has to do with Hitler. This show is of personal videos from the rise, the videos have never been on tv before. Some of the videos are not aloud to be shown in germany. I've taken some pictures of the show, so here's some of them.

 Anyway so here are some of the pictures i took from the TV show, later tonight at 9pm they are showing another part of the "Third Reich: The Fall" . Hope everyone has a great week!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I got a new HAIR cut

These pictures suck ass but heres what my hair looks like.

Hope everyone is having a GREAT WEEKEND!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I wanna travel to EUROPE !!


So right now i would kill to travel to Italy! Like i want to travel the whole country, but i totally want to go to Rome, Venice, and Florence. Anyway so at some point in my life (i hope in the next 10 years) i really want to travel to Italy. Anyway thats all :) hope everyone is having a great week !

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti