Tuesday, March 29, 2011

♥ LIFE ♥


So I have not posted anything on here in like FOREVER! So I figured since I'm here at school bored out of my mind that I would post a blog post. So school started back up yesterday (monday march 28th, 2011). We just got off spring break, I didn't go any where for spring break but I wish I could of. So I'm sitting here at school waiting for my brother to get out of class. I'm done with school at 1:45pm but he's not done with school till 3:40pm. So that kind of sucks ya know.

Anyway I went to Haiti about 4 weeks ago now. Went down on February 26th thur March 5th. I really enjoyed my time there and the Pastor of the place told me that he would like me to stay there longer. I told him I would like to stay there longer also, like maybe this summer. So after I back home I spoke to my grandparents about staying down there for longer than a week. So they said if it is something that I want to do then it was fine with them. So thats when I decided to e-mail Pastor Pierre to tell him that I would like to come down there and stay a month in the summer. He said that would be fine as long as it was between the dates of June 11th and July 16th. He sent me two e-mail addresses to get a hold of the group doing down when I am and the group that is coming down the day that I'm leaving on. I e-mailed both of the groups got when there planes landed so I would know what time to pick my flights.

Anyway so I will be teaching down there for the month. I'll be teaching English and Art, well from what I know that is what I'll be teaching. It is still a while away so that doesn't mean that what I'm planning on teaching right now will be what I teach. So yeah that is whats been going on with me so far.

I hope that everyone has a GREAT WEEK ☺

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder