Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Gifts ?!?

So I'm having problems picking out what I want to buy people for Christmas. I've already for my grandma's, aunt's and my aunts mom's gift. But I still need to get my grandpa, brother, uncle and dad a gift. Then I need to buy my friends a gift also. But I'm pretty sure my friends are getting gift cards, it's easier to pick out and I want them to be used. I so much money to be spent on people blah :/ . Oh well that's life LOL . Hope everyone has a great week!

Peace Out,

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Shopping

Well I went with my friend and her aunts out black friday shopping. We went to Wal-Mart , Target and Kohl's . I only bought one thing at the whole night out and that was at Target. I've been looking at these shoe's for a couple weeks now but I didn't want to buy them at there normal price. So they were on sale for $12.00 and I felt that they were a good price then. So i bought them :) lol here's what they look like.

So I'm pretty happy with them :). There really nice to walk in so that's good. Other than the shoe's I really didn't see anything that i wanted to bad. If i had more money then I'd bought a few things maybe.

Peace out

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Yeah so I've not posted anything on here in a long long time LOl. I'm just starting winter break for school WOOP! I don't have to go back to school till January 9, 2012 :) . I can't believe next year is 2012 and I'm going to be 21 years old WTF. I feel really old, I can't believe I've been out of high school almost 3 years! Anyway nothing to exciting is going on with my life. I just wanted to post an update on here, I think i might start posting more on here if i remember!

Peace and Love
Sam :)