Tuesday, April 27, 2010



So i got home from Haiti on the 25th around 11:30am. I was suppose to be home on the 24th around 11:30pm, but we missed the plane in Miami and we ended up spliting up and 2 of our group made the plane flight that everyone missed, then 2 went from miami to charlotte, then to cincinnati. And me and 3 other guys went from miami, to dallas then to cincinnati. Anyway so i loved every bit of it, while being there, i didn't want to come home. I miss everyone there and im going back in jan. i would could back sooner but i dont think i can afford to go. I really miss bobby and play outside with him and his friend. I also miss roland in a odd way, like i didn't speak to much to him but i liked him. Earlier today i was crying because i missed the kids to much and just missed everyone there. I still would give anything to go there tomorrow and get on a plane to fly down and stay. But after talking to my grandma i realized that i should go to school and get my college degree and in my free time from school go down to haiti. Like i know in jan im going down even if i'll have to take the quarter off school because of the amount of time i would. But i am learning the language creole, i know how to say...

thank you
good morning
good afternoon
i'm fine , thank you
excuse me
how are you
i'm sorry
my name is

i dont know all of them by heart but those are the words/ saying that i kinda know and that im learning. I want to know all of those really well before i learn new ones. I'm going tomorrow to barns N' noble to see if they have any learning books in creole, that i can buy. Since im leaving thursday to go stay with my aunt i want to take something that i can learn while im there to give me something to do :) . Well im going to see about going to sleep im tired haha, i'm still on haitian time, i keep waking up between 6:30am-7am. and that would be 5:30am-6am down in haiti right now since they dont do spring forward like we do. Anyway so i think im going to bed :) hope everyone had a great week while i was gone !

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Leaving for HAITI


Soo, i leave tomorrow morning for haiti. Im so pumped about going, like since i wasn't able to go back in jan. when i was suppose to because of the earthquake. And to tell the turth i didn't think i was going to back down since i wasn't sure if the people who i was going with was going to get over themsevles or not. Like most of them didn't want to go back down. I'm like wtf why wouldn't you want to go help, if they just had a earthquake thats when you should want to help, not run away. But anyway so were a smaller group this time only 8, there was a total of 14 or 15 back in jan so almost half of the group isn't coming. But oh well it still should be a good time there. :) . Like i'm suppose to be packing right now, since i've not even started and i leave tomorrow morning (sunday morning) at 6:30am, well were leaving the church at 6:30am to head down to CVG. We should be down in Haiti by 3:45pm, and then we should be where were staying at around 8 or 9pm. It's going to be one long ass trip in the jeep, like only half of the roads are blacktopped, and rest are dirt. But i'll live haha, anyway i just wanted to post this, i wont be back home till like late saturday night. Were suppose to land at CVG around 11:30pm , but thats not counting how long it will late to get out check in stuff back nor the drive home, lol so im saying all total maybe 1am sunday (25th) morning. Then im doing the march of dimes walk down in cincinnati, sunday morning. Very little sleep im going to say haha, oh well it should be a great time :). OH AND APRIL 24TH IS MY BIRTHDAY :) I'LL BE 19 !!!!!!!!!! WOOP WOOP, So i'm spending my 19TH birthday in HAITI HOW AWESOME :) ! Hope everyone has a great week, i'll post again on the 25th :) !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Great Day


Today was such a great day! I spent the whole time outside and wasn't inside very much. Helped clean outside more, then went to the scrap yard to sell some stuff we ended up getting like almost $100.00 , we took two different trips, like the first we had around 300 or 400 pounds of metal to get rid of, then the second trip we had around 600 something pounds to get rid of. Everything was car parts, so it really wasn't that much that we took but the carparts are really heavy. Anyway and then i went over to my grandma's place and worked outside there on there yard. It just felt so good to go do stuff outside and sweat haha, i know that sounds totally odd but i love sweating, like i always feel better after it! LOL!  Anyway so i leave sunday morning for HAITI :) should be a great yet busy week helping down there. I'm totally pumped that i get to go, since i was soo pissed baack in jan because of the earthquake happening. So yeah, hope everyone has a great week.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Going To Aunts


So i was planning on going to my uncle's to spend the month of May. But i can't get ahold of them and im tired of trying to, call or e-mail or whatever. So im going to just going to stay with my aunt who lives also in PA. It should be fun and i really like her kids, there so cute :) . Anyway so i leave sunday the 18th for haiti, i have to be at the church at 6:30am, then i have to we have to be down at CVG at 7:30am. We'll arrive in haiti around 3:45pm that day and should be where we need to be at around dark. Yeah...oh random but i want to see alice in wonderland again, i'd like to see it on 3D this time.

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, April 7, 2010



OMG ok like i am a fucken fat blob! Like my goal is to lose weight, like i was doing really good with it like back in jan, and then all of a sudden i stopped caring and freaken feel like shit again! Like i had lost like 14 LBS and was doing good , but now omg. I'm sure i gained half if not more back :( LAME! So im going to be spending every day outside sweating and moving so i can lose weight again!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti