Saturday, December 10, 2011

I need to lose weight!

So I'm totally not happy at all with my weight. I won't post it on here but lets say it's not a good weight at all. I've given up pop and now I need to start getting better! I'm tired of looking the way I do and I want to feel better also. So as of right now I'm going to start eating better. I think some shopping is needed for this maybe tomorrow , not sure. But if there is food in the house that is better for me I'm more likely to eat it. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Sam Kidder

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Gifts ?!?

So I'm having problems picking out what I want to buy people for Christmas. I've already for my grandma's, aunt's and my aunts mom's gift. But I still need to get my grandpa, brother, uncle and dad a gift. Then I need to buy my friends a gift also. But I'm pretty sure my friends are getting gift cards, it's easier to pick out and I want them to be used. I so much money to be spent on people blah :/ . Oh well that's life LOL . Hope everyone has a great week!

Peace Out,

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Shopping

Well I went with my friend and her aunts out black friday shopping. We went to Wal-Mart , Target and Kohl's . I only bought one thing at the whole night out and that was at Target. I've been looking at these shoe's for a couple weeks now but I didn't want to buy them at there normal price. So they were on sale for $12.00 and I felt that they were a good price then. So i bought them :) lol here's what they look like.

So I'm pretty happy with them :). There really nice to walk in so that's good. Other than the shoe's I really didn't see anything that i wanted to bad. If i had more money then I'd bought a few things maybe.

Peace out

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Yeah so I've not posted anything on here in a long long time LOl. I'm just starting winter break for school WOOP! I don't have to go back to school till January 9, 2012 :) . I can't believe next year is 2012 and I'm going to be 21 years old WTF. I feel really old, I can't believe I've been out of high school almost 3 years! Anyway nothing to exciting is going on with my life. I just wanted to post an update on here, I think i might start posting more on here if i remember!

Peace and Love
Sam :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Being Used ?!?

So have you ever thought you were being used by someone? Well I have a few times but right now I feel like I'm being used by someone. I don't like the feeling and I'm not 100% sure that I am. But i have a feeling that I am. So I'm going to be ignoring the person and trying not to talk to them unless they talk to me first. I just deleted every comment i've posted on this persons facebook. I donno I just feel like something isn't right.

Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bored at School

So today has been a really boring day at school. We left the house early today to make sure the car wasn't making some odd sound. Well the car wasn't making an odd sound but they were working on the road. So that took up the free time that was spent from leaving early. But i did get to school about 5 mins early so that was nice. Geography class was kinda boring and we did nothing to exciting. English was kinda boring also, nothing really exciting. I have a english paper due next week not looking forward to it. Not sure what im going to write it on yet. Anyway so im going to end this since it is pointless LOL.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

♥ My Day ♥

Yeap so today has been boring. I went to bed this morning around 1am, then I woke up at 9am. Got on the computer some, checked facebook and e-mails. Then got ready for school, showed up almost late to class. I walked in the classroom with 2 mins till class started. Class was totally boring in Human Geography. After that class I thought that I wasn't going to have English because the lights weren't on. But I was wrong the teacher turned the lights on in the room and everyone walked in LAME! Had a little quiz in the class over what we read over the weekend, being me I didn't read but that was ok because I knew the answers anyway. Then We started talking about our first paper that we are going to be writing. It doesn't sound to bad, but I could totally be wrong about that. Then the teacher read us 2 short stories. I like it when people read things out loud, it was nice to have a teacher read the Stories to us. After class I signed up to meet with my advisor for next monday the (11th). I need to get my papers for my teachers about testing and also I need to speak with her about missing the last week of school, well some of the days. So that is where my day is at so far. It's only 2:25pm right now but after I leave school. Which won't be till 3:40pm I have to go to the church I go to then also get the car looked at. Then after all of that go see my grandpa in the nursing home for a little bit. He was just put in there on thursday, he'll be in there for a few weeks to get his strenght back. I hope he'll be home soon! Anyway I'm going to end this now, oh side note haha I've had like 2 people from Haiti add me this past week. The first one is Edvens he is a translater for Pastor Pierre (the man we stay with in Haiti), and Teepo Noel he is Pastor Pierre's nephew. All I have to say is that they are both interesting haha!
Hope everyone has a GREAT WEEK ☺

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

♥ Pray For Haiti ♥

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

♥ LIFE ♥


So I have not posted anything on here in like FOREVER! So I figured since I'm here at school bored out of my mind that I would post a blog post. So school started back up yesterday (monday march 28th, 2011). We just got off spring break, I didn't go any where for spring break but I wish I could of. So I'm sitting here at school waiting for my brother to get out of class. I'm done with school at 1:45pm but he's not done with school till 3:40pm. So that kind of sucks ya know.

Anyway I went to Haiti about 4 weeks ago now. Went down on February 26th thur March 5th. I really enjoyed my time there and the Pastor of the place told me that he would like me to stay there longer. I told him I would like to stay there longer also, like maybe this summer. So after I back home I spoke to my grandparents about staying down there for longer than a week. So they said if it is something that I want to do then it was fine with them. So thats when I decided to e-mail Pastor Pierre to tell him that I would like to come down there and stay a month in the summer. He said that would be fine as long as it was between the dates of June 11th and July 16th. He sent me two e-mail addresses to get a hold of the group doing down when I am and the group that is coming down the day that I'm leaving on. I e-mailed both of the groups got when there planes landed so I would know what time to pick my flights.

Anyway so I will be teaching down there for the month. I'll be teaching English and Art, well from what I know that is what I'll be teaching. It is still a while away so that doesn't mean that what I'm planning on teaching right now will be what I teach. So yeah that is whats been going on with me so far.

I hope that everyone has a GREAT WEEK ☺

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder


Monday, February 7, 2011

Can You Donate ?


So I'm going down to Haiti at the end of the month, February 26 2011. I'm taking down soccer balls and some clothes. The thing is I'm wondering is anyway else would like to donate any money to buy soccer balls or to donate a soccer ball. I have so far 10 soccer balls but I'm willing to take more. Please it would be really helpful if I could more soccer balls for the children. I will be in Haiti for a week doing missionary work. It would mean a lot. If you are interesting in donating anything please contact me at or leave a comments (would perfur a e-mail over comment). I hope everyone has a grat week :) !

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Hair Cut


So I did something that I've never done before. I went to the hair place and got all my hair cut off! I've not had my hair this short since i was a little girl. When I got home I really didn't like the hair cut, and it took me hours to become OK with it. I wish now i couldn't of cut the back so short but whatever. So I'm really waiting till it grows out some to be more happy with it. Here are some picture of my new hair cut.

Here's the BEFORE:


Here's the AFTER:

So yeah I got it all cut off, I'll be happy when it's more grown out. I got it cut a little shorter then then what I wanted. Oh well, it's just hair.

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Life Magazines from 1955-1969


So my great grandma collected these magazines and gave them to my grandpa. I was going through them and asked if i could keep them and he said yes as long as i take care of them and don't mess them up. So here are the magazines i have from from those years!

September 26, 1955
-Beginning In This Issue "The Truman Memoirs" 'The Most Momentous' First 18 Days
-The Trumans of Independence

September 1, 1961
-The First Lady She Tells Her Pland For The White House

December 6, 1963
-Mrs. Kennedy, Caroline and John Jr. wiat to join procession to Capitol

May 29, 1964
-Jacqueline Kennedy
-She writes about her husband's mementos-the ones he liked most

March 5, 1965
-Death of Malcolm X and the Resulting Vengeful Gang War
-A Monument To Nergo Upheaval
-Largest Muslim mosque bombed out after Malcolm X's killing

May 16, 1969
-Collision Course In The High Schools
-What do older people least understand
-How much should students decide policy
-Would more blacks be harmful to your school
-How much dissent should schools premit

So those are the LIFE magazines that I own. I'll do another post on LOOK magazines that I own and some really realy old newspapers that i own also. Hope everyone has a great year :P! Happy New Years!!!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Years


Just wanted to post and tell everyone happy new years. yay for 2011 :) ! hope everyone has a great weekend and great year!

peace out,
sam kidder

pray for haiti