Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm Bored


So i just wanted to post a thing saying that i was bored HAHA

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm to Hard on myself


I don't understand why i'm so hard on myself. I mean i complain that im dumb and that i'll never be something in this world. Because right now im not doing anything, but the thing is. I've over came so many things in my life to be where i am today, only shows that there is a god. And yet i'll sit here and tell myself im not worth crap. But thats not true at all, im not dumb im smart and im not. I just need to relax and see how much better i am today compaired to what i used to be.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Saturday, November 21, 2009



So i lost some more weight this week. I lost another 2 lbs this week. So im down a total of 7 lbs :). Thats a good start i think. I hope to lose weight this week coming up. Its going to be hard since it will be Thanksgiving. But, if i only lose 2 lbs it will be better than nothing.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Doing Better


So im doing better on the weight loss thing. I've lost 5lbs this past week, so im back to what i was 2 weeks ago. I've 100% cut out pop and im doing great. It's amazing how i dont even want pop anymore. I mean like when i see somewhere it doesn't call my name. Like im ok with just ignoring it. I've not started working out yet, so i dont know when i should lol, i think it should be soon but i think i might wait for another week to see how much i lose. That's about all thats going on where i live right now LOL. Oh so i have told the people at my church that i would like to go to haiti again in jan. There was a meeting about it at 3pm, but i didn't go to it since i was told there wasn't really a need to go. But i wish now i would of gone so then i would know about what we would be doing and how much it is going to cost.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

10 Days till Thanksgiving (USA)
39 Days till Christmas
45 Days till New Years Eve

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Way of Losing Weight


So, i've been thinking about this. So i think im going to stop drinking pop 100%, i know i said that like 3 weeks ago LOL but i think i really am this time. Also i'm going to wright down everything i eat so i can keep track of it. So far im on my second day of this and i need to be doing good so far. I think starting tomorrow im going to start working out once a day for about a hour. I got a new scale also that should be better to keep track of how much i lose :).

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder


15 Days till Thanksgiving (USA)
44 Days till Christmas
50 Days till New Years Eve

Saturday, November 7, 2009



Im so fresh in, in so clean clean LOL

i love outkast

peace out,

Samantha Kidder

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hmmm sooo


So i've been thinking about changing my major ! I think i might make it in photography ! I love to take pictures and that would be a dream of mine to be able to travel and take pictures for a living! I'm not 100% sure yet, but maybe i'll do that. I've been thinking about it for like a month now, so i'm sure it would be something that i would love! I wish now that i would of picked that instead of what i did at the time, oh well. Thats life you just have to keep moving on :) . I have Great FALL ! I'm listening to Christmas Music right now HAHA !

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder


20 Days till Thanksgiving (USA)
49 Days till Christmas
55 Days till New Years Eve