Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm to Hard on myself


I don't understand why i'm so hard on myself. I mean i complain that im dumb and that i'll never be something in this world. Because right now im not doing anything, but the thing is. I've over came so many things in my life to be where i am today, only shows that there is a god. And yet i'll sit here and tell myself im not worth crap. But thats not true at all, im not dumb im smart and im not. I just need to relax and see how much better i am today compaired to what i used to be.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

1 comment:

  1. Hello there,

    I found a post by you on Twitter via my manual re-tweeter @ImSorryBut (you can see the post at the attached URL or searching for #imsorrybut). Sometimes they're funny, sad, racist, or just bizarre, but it's mostly just a bit of fun for my own amusement. I also normally check out the profile of anyone I re-tweet mostly out of curiosity, and found my way here.

    Whilst it's obvious you're a practicing Christian and I wouldn't interfere with what I agree is the sectarian humanist right of any adult to have a religion, your vehement rejection of evolution [specifically the view that the human species have evolved through natural selection, as have chimpanzees with which we share a common ancestor] contrasts with your above mini-bio.

    I picked this entry to comment on as it's the one I can see that connects best to your faith. As you're "a very open person to almost anything that's going on" which a classically positive and good scientist/skeptic quality (ie. always ready to believe in proof and change your mind if proved wrong), I was very curious to why you simultaneously reject a critical piece of overwhelming evidence for evolution. At the moment you are in contradiction, so would you be able to offer an explanation of how you can have both an open and closed mind at the same time?

    Interrogation aside, excellent work on the charity work in Central America, I'd love to travel to Africa or East Asia one day in such a capacity. And congrats on the weight loss, it reminds me I certainly need to keep mine in check this coming new year.


    - B.
