Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Hair Cut


So I did something that I've never done before. I went to the hair place and got all my hair cut off! I've not had my hair this short since i was a little girl. When I got home I really didn't like the hair cut, and it took me hours to become OK with it. I wish now i couldn't of cut the back so short but whatever. So I'm really waiting till it grows out some to be more happy with it. Here are some picture of my new hair cut.

Here's the BEFORE:


Here's the AFTER:

So yeah I got it all cut off, I'll be happy when it's more grown out. I got it cut a little shorter then then what I wanted. Oh well, it's just hair.

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Life Magazines from 1955-1969


So my great grandma collected these magazines and gave them to my grandpa. I was going through them and asked if i could keep them and he said yes as long as i take care of them and don't mess them up. So here are the magazines i have from from those years!

September 26, 1955
-Beginning In This Issue "The Truman Memoirs" 'The Most Momentous' First 18 Days
-The Trumans of Independence

September 1, 1961
-The First Lady She Tells Her Pland For The White House

December 6, 1963
-Mrs. Kennedy, Caroline and John Jr. wiat to join procession to Capitol

May 29, 1964
-Jacqueline Kennedy
-She writes about her husband's mementos-the ones he liked most

March 5, 1965
-Death of Malcolm X and the Resulting Vengeful Gang War
-A Monument To Nergo Upheaval
-Largest Muslim mosque bombed out after Malcolm X's killing

May 16, 1969
-Collision Course In The High Schools
-What do older people least understand
-How much should students decide policy
-Would more blacks be harmful to your school
-How much dissent should schools premit

So those are the LIFE magazines that I own. I'll do another post on LOOK magazines that I own and some really realy old newspapers that i own also. Hope everyone has a great year :P! Happy New Years!!!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Years


Just wanted to post and tell everyone happy new years. yay for 2011 :) ! hope everyone has a great weekend and great year!

peace out,
sam kidder

pray for haiti