Sunday, January 2, 2011

Life Magazines from 1955-1969


So my great grandma collected these magazines and gave them to my grandpa. I was going through them and asked if i could keep them and he said yes as long as i take care of them and don't mess them up. So here are the magazines i have from from those years!

September 26, 1955
-Beginning In This Issue "The Truman Memoirs" 'The Most Momentous' First 18 Days
-The Trumans of Independence

September 1, 1961
-The First Lady She Tells Her Pland For The White House

December 6, 1963
-Mrs. Kennedy, Caroline and John Jr. wiat to join procession to Capitol

May 29, 1964
-Jacqueline Kennedy
-She writes about her husband's mementos-the ones he liked most

March 5, 1965
-Death of Malcolm X and the Resulting Vengeful Gang War
-A Monument To Nergo Upheaval
-Largest Muslim mosque bombed out after Malcolm X's killing

May 16, 1969
-Collision Course In The High Schools
-What do older people least understand
-How much should students decide policy
-Would more blacks be harmful to your school
-How much dissent should schools premit

So those are the LIFE magazines that I own. I'll do another post on LOOK magazines that I own and some really realy old newspapers that i own also. Hope everyone has a great year :P! Happy New Years!!!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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