Tuesday, April 5, 2011

♥ My Day ♥

Yeap so today has been boring. I went to bed this morning around 1am, then I woke up at 9am. Got on the computer some, checked facebook and e-mails. Then got ready for school, showed up almost late to class. I walked in the classroom with 2 mins till class started. Class was totally boring in Human Geography. After that class I thought that I wasn't going to have English because the lights weren't on. But I was wrong the teacher turned the lights on in the room and everyone walked in LAME! Had a little quiz in the class over what we read over the weekend, being me I didn't read but that was ok because I knew the answers anyway. Then We started talking about our first paper that we are going to be writing. It doesn't sound to bad, but I could totally be wrong about that. Then the teacher read us 2 short stories. I like it when people read things out loud, it was nice to have a teacher read the Stories to us. After class I signed up to meet with my advisor for next monday the (11th). I need to get my papers for my teachers about testing and also I need to speak with her about missing the last week of school, well some of the days. So that is where my day is at so far. It's only 2:25pm right now but after I leave school. Which won't be till 3:40pm I have to go to the church I go to then also get the car looked at. Then after all of that go see my grandpa in the nursing home for a little bit. He was just put in there on thursday, he'll be in there for a few weeks to get his strenght back. I hope he'll be home soon! Anyway I'm going to end this now, oh side note haha I've had like 2 people from Haiti add me this past week. The first one is Edvens he is a translater for Pastor Pierre (the man we stay with in Haiti), and Teepo Noel he is Pastor Pierre's nephew. All I have to say is that they are both interesting haha!
Hope everyone has a GREAT WEEK ☺

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

♥ Pray For Haiti ♥

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