Saturday, September 19, 2009

HaHa, I've Not Been On In A While

So I hope everyone one is doing good :) ! I leave for Florida September 28th, I'm happy but scared all at the same time. I'll be going there for College, I'll be going to " The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale" so happy about getting in there. But I just hope that im good enough to make it all the way throught ! I mean sure im good at art i guess but i mean what if the people at this school are like 100 times better than me. Or maybe i'll just be ok and everyone around me and doing my major will be at the same place in art. My major is going to be "Animation & Media Arts" so i'll be working on the computer, and drawing real life things :). But i'm sure everyone will go ok, I mean i do know alot about Florida and how to get around down there. I mean its not like i've never been to that state before! I mean i go there every summer and i did used to live there.

Any way, I already have everything for college ! I got myself a new printer and dvd player yay !! I'm getting a tv from my uncle, so i wont have to go out and buy one. That is a good thing since i dont have a job at the moment. But i will be going with in the next week to open up a bank account. That will be a new thing, i mean i have a savings account that my grandma opened up for my at her bank when i was little and i use that one. But to have my own bank account will be cool, i just hope that i wont waste my money ! I'm really bad at buying things that i dont need :(.

Ok like when i do start college i need to start up dating this almost everyday !

Well for the time being ...



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