Saturday, October 31, 2009

Woo I lost Some Weight !


So i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy, i lost some weight :) ! LOl well it was only 5 lbs so far, but thats great for just a week :). Now if i can loose more weight i'll be happy, If i can lose 5 more pounds next week, that would be GREAT. I'm going to go to the store tomorrow and see if i can pick up a new scale. The one we have is old and i dont want to have the wrong readings and end up being upset ! LOL. I've decided im going to drink one pop a week and thats when i go see my uncle at the nursing home. They have a pop machine there at you can get pop for $1.00, That is soooooooooooooooo cheap. I mean normally pop in the store is like $1.60 or more. So i think that will be the only time :). I'm trying to talk my grandma into helping me and my brother guy a treadmil to work out on. I like to walk so if i could get one i'm sure i would keep up with losing the weight , since its Nov. as of tomorrow !

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Thursday, October 29, 2009



Yeah thats all, i got something to say really LOL...Hope i sleep WELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Sunday, October 25, 2009

HMM Sooo


So where i am sitting at the computer. I went to the store and bought some things today that are more "healthier" to eat and drink. As of tomorrow im going on walks with my dad on the bike trail. Were going to walk to Loveland (its about 5 miles give or take from where were going to be starting) then probably get something to eat or snacks. Then were going to walk back to where we started from. So all total it should be between 10-12 miles of walking :) ! I'm happy about that and ready to start losing weight ! Hmm well thats all for right now, update laterz :)!

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Still Not Sure On Loseing Weight


Ok so i've been trying to figure out what works best for me and so far nothing seems to be working. I don't know what to do, i mean if we owned a some work out stuff here at home i would do that. But like we dont and it's becoming cold outside, i really picked the wrong time of year to start to lose weight LOL. I wish i would of came up with it like back in the summer. That would be been alot easyier to do then. Oh well, i'll make it work, not sure how right now but i will :).

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Not Happy


Not that happy with me not getting windows 7 for free LOL. Yeah i know but i wanted it for free. Whatever, i'll just get it later on !

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Sunday, October 18, 2009




Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

HMM Well I Started To Work Out ! Kinda


So i just wanted to update on the losing weight thing. I started to work out on friday ! Woo, I hope to work out everyday and start eatting better to lose some weight :)...haha well thats all

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Friday, October 16, 2009

I Need To Lose Weight !


So i've been thinking, about losing weight. I really need so lose some weight it's not even funny. I've been for almost a year now trying to cut out beef out of my life. I've almost done it, i only eat it off and on and now when i do i dont like the taste of it. LOL So i only eat CHICKEN and PORK and TURKY now. If i'm going to eat something. I've never ate fish before, i just don't believe in eatting it. I've always said i was one with the fish (yeah that sounds dumb, oh well). But i dont know if i could give up eatting chicken, pork, and turky, there so GOOD. You might be wondering do i eat lamb? That would be a not really, we only have that once in a while and i just dont eat it. I love vegie soup and what not, i dont really miss eatting beef either. Its just going to bed hard since everyone else in my family loves there meats. I love cows to much to eat beef LOL.

Maybe i'll just eat vegie soup for a while and work out, they might help LOL IDK just thinking ! Oh well i'll come up with something to do.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder



So I'm totally dont unpacking go me! Yeah it was alot of work, i had so much STUFF. Oh well i mean i left somethings in boxes cuz there for college and i dont need them out. So yeah, just wanted to update on that LOL.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Wednesday, October 14, 2009



The the heck people why is it SOO cold out here I mean its still OCT. Should not be this cold yet. Only problem so far to complain about LOL the COLD !

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Monday, October 12, 2009

Why So Streeful ?


So here I am stressed out about LIFE. It keeps happening like every other day about how stressed out i get now aday. I mean this can't be good for my health. I mean im 18 years old WTF why should life to this streefull. I mean i should be sitting back laughing with friends and enjoying life, not stressing out about it. I want to go to school i think, i mean i really liked high school and i have always liked school in general. Sure it has been really streefull at times, but at the end of the day i liked school. Maybe i need to read or play some video games so i wont be so stressed out? Who knows but being stressed out makes me in such a bad mood. UGH i hate it, i like to be a happy person and in a good mood. But with this stress its hard to be happy. Oh well i'll just find something to do i think.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bored !?!


Soo..where to start LOL, I'm so freaken bored its not even funny. I dont know what to do with myself. I mean i dont just want to sit here but i also dont know what to do. And on top of it im kinda sleepy and its like 11:23pm. UGH why is life so stressful ? Oh well, I'm still trying to figure how what i want to do in life. I mean for the love of pete, i'm 18 yrs old how so i know what i wanna do in life ? I mean sure i want to become something but what? I still want to go to college in florida, but what school and major? I think maybe something in History, but im not sure with that either. Oh well you just have to deal with what you get in life. And try to make something of nothing i guess.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Saturday, October 10, 2009

So I'm Back Home


So I'm back home in Ohio right now. I'm changing majors in college, so i had to leave my college I was going to. The college I was going to was a only "Art College" school and I want to go into history. So i had to leave the college, I'm on the look for a different college to go to. I would really love to go back to college in florida. I love that state, but if it is not ment to be then it isn't. But i know for a fact that, that im going to live in Florida with in the next 6 years. I hope sooner but who really knows. I really do miss it down there, i started getting used to the city and everything. But oh well so, i'm back in ohio waiting i guess.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Thursday, October 1, 2009

In The School At My Dorm!


So here i am sitting in my dorm room. Umm yeah at COLLEGE wow, who would of ever thought about me being in college or even in a dorm room sharing it with another person ? Not me LOl, anyway so im just here sitting kinda tired, since i went to the beach today. And so i've done alot today. And i've not taken a shower yet and its going on 11pm. OMFG anyway i need a shower and in need to get to bed i mean its like late at night and i have to get up at 8:00am. So i'm looking to only seeing 8 hours of sleep. So i'm going to go take a shower LOL i need one, like EWW lol.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder