Monday, October 12, 2009

Why So Streeful ?


So here I am stressed out about LIFE. It keeps happening like every other day about how stressed out i get now aday. I mean this can't be good for my health. I mean im 18 years old WTF why should life to this streefull. I mean i should be sitting back laughing with friends and enjoying life, not stressing out about it. I want to go to school i think, i mean i really liked high school and i have always liked school in general. Sure it has been really streefull at times, but at the end of the day i liked school. Maybe i need to read or play some video games so i wont be so stressed out? Who knows but being stressed out makes me in such a bad mood. UGH i hate it, i like to be a happy person and in a good mood. But with this stress its hard to be happy. Oh well i'll just find something to do i think.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

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