Sunday, November 15, 2009

Doing Better


So im doing better on the weight loss thing. I've lost 5lbs this past week, so im back to what i was 2 weeks ago. I've 100% cut out pop and im doing great. It's amazing how i dont even want pop anymore. I mean like when i see somewhere it doesn't call my name. Like im ok with just ignoring it. I've not started working out yet, so i dont know when i should lol, i think it should be soon but i think i might wait for another week to see how much i lose. That's about all thats going on where i live right now LOL. Oh so i have told the people at my church that i would like to go to haiti again in jan. There was a meeting about it at 3pm, but i didn't go to it since i was told there wasn't really a need to go. But i wish now i would of gone so then i would know about what we would be doing and how much it is going to cost.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

10 Days till Thanksgiving (USA)
39 Days till Christmas
45 Days till New Years Eve

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