Monday, September 13, 2010

At School


So I'm here at school kind of bored. I know that i probably should of gone to get something to eat but i didn't. So now im kinda of hungry and bored. I dont get to go home still around 6:40pm tonight. I wish we lived in Maineville again, because since we live in Goshen now its a longer drive. It takes like over 30mins to get to school now but if i could me living in maineville it wouldn't take me as long, maybe 10 mins at most. Anyway so my classes today so far are art  and english. My english teach is ok he's kinda of odd and a little funny, im sure im going to really enjoy this class. My art class on the other hand is kind of i dont know boring and i dont really like art, well more or less drawing. I like art as a whole but i dont like the drawing part of it. Sure i took drawing and adv. drawing in high school, looking back im not really sure why i took them other than i wanted to take a class that wasn't going to take alot of work to do. In general i really like ART i just dont like drawing. So this drawing class is the basic of basic from what my teacher said. Like there is this lafy in there thats has never drew a single thing in her life and she's in here 40's i'd say. There are also a few old ladies in there also like one i think she's in her 50's maybe or something. Anyway so im going to try my hardest to draw as good as i can but i've not drawn anything since like november of last year. It's freaken 4:19pm and i dont have class till 5:00pm, i got out of my english class really early so it make me have more time. I should of not gotten out of my english class till 3:40pm but i got out at around 3pm. But im sitting here in the computer room, is that odd that i'm chilling here doing nothing. What a lame and boring time, umm well right next to school its the highway, and on the otherside of that is rave movie place then on the other side of that road is KINGS ISLAND !!!!!!!!! So i never went to kings island this summer, im totally going to go next summer. There is going to be this awesome new ride thats just like the swings but its really realyl tall and you go up to 30 miles a hour, CRAZY! Ok so this blog post is totally random, and im typing as i think about it. Oh so my next class is student success, i freaken hope that goes good and isn't boring, but who knows. I still need to read 4 pages for history class (class tomorrow). OMFG YESSS its not 4:27pm only 33 mins till my next class WHAT WHAT YESS THANK YOU JESUS! OINK OINK OINK OINK OINK, MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO MOO! That was awesome i just wasted a few more mins doing nothing, its not 4:34pm, hehe now 25 mins TILL CLASS HECK YES! Ok im going to stop typing, now!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray for Haiti

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