Friday, November 5, 2010

Info about the REAL Elle Fowler (LISA)


So here is some info i want people to know about the real Elle Fowler, Lisa Fowler. In case you don't know who im talking about go check out this girl at this link . I watch her YOUTUBE videos and over the time she has been on there she's just became really fake. Like her and her sister don't tell the turth about anything. So here is some information about Lisa Fowler you might not know, oh and i'll post all the links to everything at the bottom of the post :) !

FACT #1 She is getting a TV with her sister Elizabeth Fowler (blair), don't know when the show is airing but watch out for it (link about show at the bottom)
FACT #2 Her real name is Lisa Fowler
FACT #3 She went to college at Miami University (Oxford,Ohio)
FACT #4 Her hometown in Kingsport,TN (its on the TN and KY boarder) that is here dads name

FACT #5 Her dad is a dr. he works as  OBGYN

FACT #6 She lives in LA, not sure where. People haven't found that one out haha, But if you do type in "Lisa Fowler" on yellow pages or white pages in Los Angeles you get 3 different address who she could be one of them who IDK, i dont really care cuz im not a creeper LOL.
FACT #7 I'm like 99% sure she has gotten a nose job. She sounds a little different now then before and also her face structure isn't the same anymore. (this one a lot of people believe or don't up to you)

Hope this give you some info on her that she doesn't really talk about :)

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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