Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas from my Dad


So I don't live with my dad, he lives in Florida. My parents aren't together if your wondering why I was only talking about him in Florida. Anyway so he sent myself and my brother up our christmas presents. He also sent us a christmas card, but we can't open that till christmas day. So my dad got both my brother and myself the same things just a little different. Here is what my dad got my for christmas...
  • Candy :)
  • Florida Gator's shirt (the college i hope to go to)
  • Disney 2011 shirt
  • and a Florida Gator's blanket
It might not sound like much to anyone else but to me it was wonderful. I was very happy to get everything and I hope he has a really good Christmas in Florida. Here are some picture I took of the stuff i got!

I hope that everyone has a great Christmas, of if you don't do christmas then whatever your religion is i hope you have a great time with family and friends. Remember to be thankful for everything you own and have. Just because you're having a bad day doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Just look up and remember that your still able to get out of bed!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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