Friday, August 28, 2009

Aug 28, 2009 *Bored*

Yo hows life !
So today I woke up and was like hmm what should I do ? I mean it's a Friday and I'm still on summer vac. But I knew I had to go to the dr this morning at 11:40am to just get my skin checked over. Everything well but I have to go back when I'm on Christmas Break from school. So after the went well I had to go up to my church and help clean. I help clean it every friday. My family does the cleanning of the church.

But after the cleaning I came home. My grandma asked me again if I wanted to go over to her house and spend the night. But I told her no, looking back I dont know why. I mean I felt bad, I've been telling her i would spend the night some time this summer but have yet to go over. There, and she only wants to spend time with me because I'm leaving for college at the end of Sept. I need to make sure I set a date that I will go over there and spend the night.

I swear living in todays world is really stressful, When you get out of high school everyone just expects you to go to college. But I mean I'm scared to go to college really, and if I don't people will look down on me. I'll be ok once I get here, but will my family. So far it makes my dad yell and get stressed out, my brother doesn't mean to care, my grandpa is scared I won't make it, and my grandma is just keep crying when someone bring up me going off to college. I understand to a point about it but I mean I have to grow up at some point. Just please dear god be with me and make sure that I can't able to go throught with college !

yo, yo, yo just remember, *Live*Laugh* and *LOVE* everyday of your life !!!!!

Peace out,

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