Saturday, August 29, 2009

Michael Jackson's Birthday !

Yo what's up !

So today is Michael Jackson's Birthday. If you don't know Michael passed away June 25th, 2009. I was out of the country when it happened, I was in Nicaragua doing missioanry work. But anyway back to MJ, so today Michael Jackson would of been 51 years old. And he would of been on tour over in England. A lot of people have mixed feelings over this man, some believe he is a pervert and should be in prison for touching boys. But myself I don't believe he ever touched anyone and that people are just haten on him because of who he is. Sure Michael was a little strange but when you look at everyone aren't we all just a little odd. Know one is prefect and just because you don't like how someone is doesn't mean you got to go be haten on someone. Michael to me was a really great man, I loved his music and everything about him. Some people say I'm to younge to be saying I liked his music or that how could I really miss him. But i cryed for almost a week off and on about him. Watching videos of him makes me almost cry and I hope everyone in his family is doing good. I hope his chilren grow up knowing that there father was a really great man!

We love you Michael Jackson !!!! R.I.P. 1958-2009

yo,yo,yo just remember *Live*Laugh* and *Love* everyday of your life !

Peace Out,

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