Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bored !?!


Soo..where to start LOL, I'm so freaken bored its not even funny. I dont know what to do with myself. I mean i dont just want to sit here but i also dont know what to do. And on top of it im kinda sleepy and its like 11:23pm. UGH why is life so stressful ? Oh well, I'm still trying to figure how what i want to do in life. I mean for the love of pete, i'm 18 yrs old how so i know what i wanna do in life ? I mean sure i want to become something but what? I still want to go to college in florida, but what school and major? I think maybe something in History, but im not sure with that either. Oh well you just have to deal with what you get in life. And try to make something of nothing i guess.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

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