Saturday, October 31, 2009

Woo I lost Some Weight !


So i'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy, i lost some weight :) ! LOl well it was only 5 lbs so far, but thats great for just a week :). Now if i can loose more weight i'll be happy, If i can lose 5 more pounds next week, that would be GREAT. I'm going to go to the store tomorrow and see if i can pick up a new scale. The one we have is old and i dont want to have the wrong readings and end up being upset ! LOL. I've decided im going to drink one pop a week and thats when i go see my uncle at the nursing home. They have a pop machine there at you can get pop for $1.00, That is soooooooooooooooo cheap. I mean normally pop in the store is like $1.60 or more. So i think that will be the only time :). I'm trying to talk my grandma into helping me and my brother guy a treadmil to work out on. I like to walk so if i could get one i'm sure i would keep up with losing the weight , since its Nov. as of tomorrow !

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

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