Saturday, April 17, 2010

Leaving for HAITI


Soo, i leave tomorrow morning for haiti. Im so pumped about going, like since i wasn't able to go back in jan. when i was suppose to because of the earthquake. And to tell the turth i didn't think i was going to back down since i wasn't sure if the people who i was going with was going to get over themsevles or not. Like most of them didn't want to go back down. I'm like wtf why wouldn't you want to go help, if they just had a earthquake thats when you should want to help, not run away. But anyway so were a smaller group this time only 8, there was a total of 14 or 15 back in jan so almost half of the group isn't coming. But oh well it still should be a good time there. :) . Like i'm suppose to be packing right now, since i've not even started and i leave tomorrow morning (sunday morning) at 6:30am, well were leaving the church at 6:30am to head down to CVG. We should be down in Haiti by 3:45pm, and then we should be where were staying at around 8 or 9pm. It's going to be one long ass trip in the jeep, like only half of the roads are blacktopped, and rest are dirt. But i'll live haha, anyway i just wanted to post this, i wont be back home till like late saturday night. Were suppose to land at CVG around 11:30pm , but thats not counting how long it will late to get out check in stuff back nor the drive home, lol so im saying all total maybe 1am sunday (25th) morning. Then im doing the march of dimes walk down in cincinnati, sunday morning. Very little sleep im going to say haha, oh well it should be a great time :). OH AND APRIL 24TH IS MY BIRTHDAY :) I'LL BE 19 !!!!!!!!!! WOOP WOOP, So i'm spending my 19TH birthday in HAITI HOW AWESOME :) ! Hope everyone has a great week, i'll post again on the 25th :) !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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