Tuesday, April 27, 2010



So i got home from Haiti on the 25th around 11:30am. I was suppose to be home on the 24th around 11:30pm, but we missed the plane in Miami and we ended up spliting up and 2 of our group made the plane flight that everyone missed, then 2 went from miami to charlotte, then to cincinnati. And me and 3 other guys went from miami, to dallas then to cincinnati. Anyway so i loved every bit of it, while being there, i didn't want to come home. I miss everyone there and im going back in jan. i would could back sooner but i dont think i can afford to go. I really miss bobby and play outside with him and his friend. I also miss roland in a odd way, like i didn't speak to much to him but i liked him. Earlier today i was crying because i missed the kids to much and just missed everyone there. I still would give anything to go there tomorrow and get on a plane to fly down and stay. But after talking to my grandma i realized that i should go to school and get my college degree and in my free time from school go down to haiti. Like i know in jan im going down even if i'll have to take the quarter off school because of the amount of time i would. But i am learning the language creole, i know how to say...

thank you
good morning
good afternoon
i'm fine , thank you
excuse me
how are you
i'm sorry
my name is

i dont know all of them by heart but those are the words/ saying that i kinda know and that im learning. I want to know all of those really well before i learn new ones. I'm going tomorrow to barns N' noble to see if they have any learning books in creole, that i can buy. Since im leaving thursday to go stay with my aunt i want to take something that i can learn while im there to give me something to do :) . Well im going to see about going to sleep im tired haha, i'm still on haitian time, i keep waking up between 6:30am-7am. and that would be 5:30am-6am down in haiti right now since they dont do spring forward like we do. Anyway so i think im going to bed :) hope everyone had a great week while i was gone !

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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