Monday, July 19, 2010



So this weekend I went to two different parties. One was at Rachel’s for her birthday and one was at Katie’s so help her paint here bedroom.

So Rachel’s party was a sleepover/pool party/birthday party. It was so fun to get to go swimming and to see everyone. I got to see some friends that I’ve not seen since I graduated or since last summer. Didn’t get much sleep that night but I really enjoyed hanging out with friends, so that was Friday night-Saturday morning.

Next party thingy was to Katie’s and that was from Saturday afternoon- Sunday around 6pm. We had a lot of fun but it was hard work, we had to take the paint off the walls, then plaster them, sand, prime, and then paint.

Pictures above are what the room looked like after primed, we started to paint them light brown, almost didn’t have enough pain to paint the room but it got done!

All of the light brown paint was done and all we had left to go was paint over the blue, we used a darker brown.

Then here is what the room looked like after we got everything done !

I really had a good time over at Katie’s, after we got everything done and went to sleep (finished painting at 4:30am) we went to bed and the next day (Sunday) we dropped off Heather at Cincinnati mills mall and Emily, myself, and Katie went out to eat lunch. Everything was really fun. ☺

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

♥ Pray For Haiti ♥

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