Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hm Whatcha Say


So i've been back in ohio a week now and its boring yet nice all at the same time. I mean i love my family so its nice seeing them. I went fishing last night and caught 32 fish, my brother caught 26 and my uncle caught 9. I've never caught that many fish in my whole freak life lol.

Anyway so yeah thats a picture of me with a fish yay :) , anyway i've yet to see my friends since i've been home. I talked to one of them last night and they said that we are going to go hang out sometime soon, but who really knows when thats going to be happening ya know. Anyway i hope i can figure out how im going to get back down to florida for school since as of right now i dont have a way nor the money to get there. Lets hope i can find the money to go back down.

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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