Saturday, October 16, 2010

Book Collection part 1

So here is my book collection that i have here at the house. I have more books but there in florida with my dad at the moment. So i thought i'd show ya what books i have. I've read almost every book here because they are used for school. Hope you enjoy them! There not in any special order, there just like this on my book shelf, i go by height of book!

Harry Potter: And The Golblet of Fire - J.K. Rowling
A Bold Fresh Piece of Humanity - Bill O'Reilly

In the Company of Heroes - Micheal J. Durant

The Bible

The World's Greatest UFO & Alien Encounters - Alva Press

June 1941: Hitler and Stalin - John Lukacs

Battlefield of the mind: For Teens - Joyce Meyer

TWEAK - Nic Sheff

Jest Tawk: A Country Dictionary - Les Blair

Jeff Gordon: Racing Back To The Front - My Memoir -- Jeff Gordon with Steve Eubanks

Candide - Voltaire

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde

The Natural - Bernard Malamud

Jimi and Me - Jaime Adoff

To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee

All But MY LIFE - Gerda Weissmann Klein

Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Owell

So these are the books on my top of the shelf :) ! PART TWO COMING SOON :) !!!!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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