Friday, October 15, 2010

Totally New Blog Layout :)


So i wanted to change my blog around so i did :). Here's the new blog i hope everyone likes it! I need to get to bed now LOL, its 1:14am and i have to wake up at 8:00am to go to the Y , then SHOPPING, and then hanging with friends maybe. I have a lot of homework this weekend but i think i'll fit in friends and homework :) well atleast i hope i can. Homework i have...
  • English paper
  • Student Success paper
  • History paper
  • Finish art project
  • Look up info on food banks where i live for S.S.C.
I mean i can always just do my art homework sunday and hand write the papers then type them when i get home from friends?!? Anyway oh well i'll figure it out :) !


Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti 

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