Thursday, February 11, 2010



So yeah im a little erked with some people. I mean i know i should just ignore it but i mean its been building up to a point and i can't stand it now. So i'm just erked right now, i mean people are so fake. I and im tired of people that are like that i mean shoot maybe if they weren't i'd be ok right now but im now. Oh well who cares about them!

So my grandpa has been in the hospital for like 2 weeks now and he has to have his carotid artery on his left side i think cleaned out. It is like i think 60% blocked or something. But he was suppose to have the surgery this morning but something happened and they couldn't so he is going to have the surgery tomorrow morning at 10:30am. I wont be able to go since i'll be at church cleaning, but i hope that everything goes well. :)

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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