Saturday, February 6, 2010

Makin SOME LOVE haha


So i'm in the middle of making some brownies cuz there awesome like that! I hope they turn out good, the last couple times we've made brownies with is brand of brownie mix its kinda turned out ehh. And i  know its not me cuz i love to bake so i'm thinking its the mix. My brother made brownies with it also and it was not right either. So who knows, if this time they dont turn out right, then maybe the box of mix we have is just messed up ?!? Any who  we got a good amount of snow, well i mean no where near as much as DC, they freaken are getting like 33 inches of snow CRAZY! I mean we only got like 6inches i think. So thats alot to us but it's not to bad i guess. So yeah, and i freaken hope it melts away really fast, i mean not to fast to where its going to flood, but enough to where its not going to be around very long like maybe 2 days at most LOL. I can't wait till freaken summer is around, i mean who likes winter ? NOT me, i hate this season, i love summer and i can't wait till it gets nice and warm/hot outside!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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