Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Things To Do ?


So today we got up around 9:00am and we went down the street to the beach! So nice, wasn't really sunny but it warm outside! Then we drove down into Fort Lauderdale, Florida. And that was some what iffy, but that was good. Then we came back to the hotel and went swimming in the pool. That was a really really big pool! But i love swimming, but i started to rain a little bit and we were also hungry. So we all came back inside and took ours showers. Then went and got something to eat, that was nice. So now that were back from eatting we played some card games, and are now watching a movie. I dont know what the movie is but i like it. Tomorrow we have to go to a college meeting and i have to take a test, then i have another meeting on Friday. Then i move into my dorm room friday also.

Peace Out,

Samantha Kidder

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In Florida


So now I'm in Florida. I'll be living in Fort Lauderdale, but i'm not in the city yet. Were spending the night and next day/night (wed.) here about 22 miles outside of Fort Lauderdale. I dont need to be at the school till Thursday so we'll just be saying here. We might go swimming in the ocean or the pool tomorrow! But it doesn't matter, so it's really nice outside so far :). I think i'll enjoy living here in southern florida :) ! So yeah, well i just wanted to update it !


Peace Out

Samantha Kidder

Friday, September 25, 2009

Just Sitting Here Bored

So this will be really short, i dont know what to do. I mean i want to either play PS3 or read Harry Potter! I dont know AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lol. I mean i want to play on the ps3, i mean i only have til monday to play. I want to buy a ps3, there kinda priecy but hey. I dont want to be bored on the weekend. But i also dont have the money right now :( so much stuff UGH. Like i also want the Wii lol well im sure i wont get that for a while. But i dont want to have to much stuff here at school like that. Oh well lol anyway, what to do. I think some ps3 for the time being will work then maybe before i go to bed reading :). And maybe bring stuff down stairs thats up stairs hmm...IDK well NIGHT

Peace Out

Samantha Kidder

Just trying to stay CALM

It's so hard to try and stay calm. I mean i'm about to move to Florida and i live in OHIO ! Dude thats a major move for someone who is only 18 years old. But im sure i'll do great. I just need to get down there and i'll be fine. But it's the time up here waiting that is just KILLING ME ugh. Oh well just wait til Monday and then i'll be in Florida. I leave Monday morning to head down to florida. I have 2 rooms here in the house i live in. I have one of the rooms cleared out 100%, so not i just have my bedroom left to make sure that its cleared out.

Please dear god let everything go fine and nothing major happen!

Peace Out

Samantha Kidder

Monday, September 21, 2009

So i was Happy Till like 5 Mins AGO WTF ugh

So like i got about 13 hours of sleep last night. Whitch is good, i mean yesterday i was having such a BAD day. So getting sleep will was great. But now i've woken up and i was like yeah man today is going to be a great day, my brother's birthday is today and he's 17! And so why wouldn't i be in a good mood ya know. But no when i walked by grandpa he told me that him and my grandma are going to go down to florida this up coming week to see my off to college. I mean i know i shouldn't be upset but now can i know when i know and i just know that they'll never go back down to see me again while im in school. But whatever i guess, i'll just have to deal with it. I mean i will be up in ohio to see them for 3 weeks around christmas time and 3 weeks in the summer. The school im going to you dont get the summer off, you have to go to school in the summer. Oh well, i just got done talking to my grandpa around florida and him doing down and i feel better i think. It's still just my grandma i'm iffy on wanting to go down to florida to see me while im in school.

Peace Out

Samantha Kidder

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Such a Iffy Day

So today i didn't really get any sleep at all. Instead i was reading Harry Potter. Yeah i know i mean look at me im 18 years old and i just now finished all the books 1-7 yay. Anyway so my favorite character is Professor Snape. I know alot of people dont like him but i really do. I see why he does things and that he would never really do anything to hurt anyone around him if he didn't have to. So last night i finished book 7, or more or less i finished it this morning around um i'd say 7am'ish. Anyway i ended up crying when he died. I mean there was so reason for him to die at all. And for him to get killed because he was the one to kill albus was DUMB.

Snape really loved Harry's mom, and in a way i think its sweet and kind. I mean Snape could of turned on her and told her that he hated her and wished she's die. But instead even as Harry's mom went with James, Snape still in his heart loved Lily. That is so sweet and that just makes me like Snape even more. Shows that he isn't cold hearted at all and that he really wasn't mean to Harry but that he wanted to protect Harry.

I really wish that it was real ya know the whole magic thing. I'd so want to join and know how to do it, i mean it sounds really cool :). LOl but its just a story oh well, one can always wish !


Samantha Kidder

Saturday, September 19, 2009

HaHa, I've Not Been On In A While

So I hope everyone one is doing good :) ! I leave for Florida September 28th, I'm happy but scared all at the same time. I'll be going there for College, I'll be going to " The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale" so happy about getting in there. But I just hope that im good enough to make it all the way throught ! I mean sure im good at art i guess but i mean what if the people at this school are like 100 times better than me. Or maybe i'll just be ok and everyone around me and doing my major will be at the same place in art. My major is going to be "Animation & Media Arts" so i'll be working on the computer, and drawing real life things :). But i'm sure everyone will go ok, I mean i do know alot about Florida and how to get around down there. I mean its not like i've never been to that state before! I mean i go there every summer and i did used to live there.

Any way, I already have everything for college ! I got myself a new printer and dvd player yay !! I'm getting a tv from my uncle, so i wont have to go out and buy one. That is a good thing since i dont have a job at the moment. But i will be going with in the next week to open up a bank account. That will be a new thing, i mean i have a savings account that my grandma opened up for my at her bank when i was little and i use that one. But to have my own bank account will be cool, i just hope that i wont waste my money ! I'm really bad at buying things that i dont need :(.

Ok like when i do start college i need to start up dating this almost everyday !

Well for the time being ...