Sunday, September 20, 2009

Such a Iffy Day

So today i didn't really get any sleep at all. Instead i was reading Harry Potter. Yeah i know i mean look at me im 18 years old and i just now finished all the books 1-7 yay. Anyway so my favorite character is Professor Snape. I know alot of people dont like him but i really do. I see why he does things and that he would never really do anything to hurt anyone around him if he didn't have to. So last night i finished book 7, or more or less i finished it this morning around um i'd say 7am'ish. Anyway i ended up crying when he died. I mean there was so reason for him to die at all. And for him to get killed because he was the one to kill albus was DUMB.

Snape really loved Harry's mom, and in a way i think its sweet and kind. I mean Snape could of turned on her and told her that he hated her and wished she's die. But instead even as Harry's mom went with James, Snape still in his heart loved Lily. That is so sweet and that just makes me like Snape even more. Shows that he isn't cold hearted at all and that he really wasn't mean to Harry but that he wanted to protect Harry.

I really wish that it was real ya know the whole magic thing. I'd so want to join and know how to do it, i mean it sounds really cool :). LOl but its just a story oh well, one can always wish !


Samantha Kidder

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