Friday, September 25, 2009

Just Sitting Here Bored

So this will be really short, i dont know what to do. I mean i want to either play PS3 or read Harry Potter! I dont know AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lol. I mean i want to play on the ps3, i mean i only have til monday to play. I want to buy a ps3, there kinda priecy but hey. I dont want to be bored on the weekend. But i also dont have the money right now :( so much stuff UGH. Like i also want the Wii lol well im sure i wont get that for a while. But i dont want to have to much stuff here at school like that. Oh well lol anyway, what to do. I think some ps3 for the time being will work then maybe before i go to bed reading :). And maybe bring stuff down stairs thats up stairs hmm...IDK well NIGHT

Peace Out

Samantha Kidder

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