Monday, September 21, 2009

So i was Happy Till like 5 Mins AGO WTF ugh

So like i got about 13 hours of sleep last night. Whitch is good, i mean yesterday i was having such a BAD day. So getting sleep will was great. But now i've woken up and i was like yeah man today is going to be a great day, my brother's birthday is today and he's 17! And so why wouldn't i be in a good mood ya know. But no when i walked by grandpa he told me that him and my grandma are going to go down to florida this up coming week to see my off to college. I mean i know i shouldn't be upset but now can i know when i know and i just know that they'll never go back down to see me again while im in school. But whatever i guess, i'll just have to deal with it. I mean i will be up in ohio to see them for 3 weeks around christmas time and 3 weeks in the summer. The school im going to you dont get the summer off, you have to go to school in the summer. Oh well, i just got done talking to my grandpa around florida and him doing down and i feel better i think. It's still just my grandma i'm iffy on wanting to go down to florida to see me while im in school.

Peace Out

Samantha Kidder

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