Wednesday, May 5, 2010

At Aunts


So i've been writing a blog post for everyday that i'm at my aunts, but there on my laptop that doesn't have internet. So when i get home from my aunts i'll have about 30 (might be less) new blog post that i will post on here at one time, i know right around 30 crazy but its not right that i just leave this blank for so long and not have a reason ya know. Now if my laptop had internet i'd of been updating this blog since the day i got here, which was the 29th. I'm not leaving here till the 27th of May. So thats like 22 days away, maybe in the mean time i might be randomly updating this like how i am not. Who knows, but anyway i am having a good time, i get along with everyone for the most part and its nice to get away from the drama at not.

I'm learning more Creole :) , i'm so happy. I've gotten almost all the colors down, i think i might start on numbers next. Like i got my 2 books in that i ordered, ones just a dictionary and the other is a dictionary & phrasebook.  The second book is the one thats helping me out the most right now. I've been writing everything down in my travel book, so it will all be in one place. I hope by the time Jan. comes that i'll of learned a lot. I mean right now i can look at a word in Creole and understand what it is (only for about 24 words/saying). But still i mean i've only been trying to learn it for like almost 1 week. So i know how about you but i think thats good for not knowing much about the language or anything, like before i wanted to learn all i could/understand in Creole was good morning, yes, no, and white ....that was about all and now to almost know 24 within a week :) i think thats good.

Hope everyone has a great week !

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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