Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 5 of Fasting (And Haiti)


So nothing really happened today. I ate when i woke up and what not and im doing good so far. Um yeah like someone drove into our yard this morning hit 2 trees and left a part of there car out in one tree. One of the trees was uprooted and fell over thats the one with a car part in it. Um then they drove off and into the road and we have no idea who did it. Called the cops and they filed a report and said they'd look for the car (im guessing it was a car, who really knows).

Watching Hope For Haiti Now on CNN. George Clooney is hot haha ! Thats all haha :) . Oh yeah umm so today i got a thing in the mail from American Airlines. I was suppose to go down to Haiti on Jan 19th , 2009...but they had a earthquake on the 12th of jan, 2009. So we couldn't go down, i was suppose to go on a mission trip there to help the people :) . I went on one last year to there and i think it was the best thing i've ever done in my life. Anyway so the trip has to be done at a different time, so our leader was going to try and get it refunded or get a ticket voucher. So yeah i have to take a plane trip within this next year on Amercan Airlines so the $631.00 will go to waste. So i hope that the we can go down sometime in the next couple months.

Just remember that yes everyone is doing all this stuff for haiti now, but i know how we are here in the US with in another week or 2 the earthquake in haiti in will old news and they wont be reporting on it still. I know thats sad to say and you will think oh no thats a lie but its not. People will not want to hear about it anymore. And it will show the people who really care about the people down there. That's really sad to say but its true, sometimes i wonder would anyone who has never heard of haiti or could careless about the country, would they of ever helped the 3rd world country if this wouldn't of happened ? The answer is NO, dont lie to yourself if you would of said YES. Most people wouldn't even give a week of there time to go down there to help the people, to make a little kid smile or laugh.

Will people remember haiti in 2 or 3 months when were not hearing about it all over the tv and internet ? Will they remember how bad the people live or how poor the place is? I'm going to say hope probably not.

I would love to go there and live for a month or even a year to help out on whatever i can. Maybe after college i can go and do that.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray for Haiti

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