Friday, January 29, 2010

Helping Haiti


So tomorrow morning at arounsd 9am im going to go to my church and start helping get things together for them to send to Matthew 25 Ministries. There a local group that will ship the things we get together :). I'm taking 14 blackets for children/adults and also 14 blankets for small children/babies. I think i might take some canned foods also that i know for a fact we wont eat and that we've had for a while. I'll go and drop my stuff off and ask if they need help, if they dont then im coming home. But if they do then i'm going to stay to help, the thing is till 2pm. So i hope everything goes ok, and that alot of people bring things to drop off :) ! Well i hope everyone has a great weekend ! It's almost February, i can't believe that January is almost over only 2 days LEFT (crazy) !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder



Pray For Haiti

Update : what im taking
  • 16 cans of food
  • 7 bars of soap
  • 8 shampoo bottles
  • 1 box of 16 bandaids
  • 14 children/adult blankets 
  • 14 baby/young children blankets 

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