Friday, January 15, 2010

Not A Happy Camper


So i went and helped clean at my church today. Like it do it every week but just being in the church pissed me off. Like dude really i just dont want to step foot in there cuz it just reminds of me freaken doing the power point and i dont want to do the power point. So i can't help getting a little upset being in there or talking about church when i dont like going. Im going to talk to my pastor this up coming sunday so i can stop freaking out about it and just relax. I dont think i should have to be stressed out by it, church should not be stressful. But whatever dude i'll just live, i'll do it this sunday but im not going to go to church for a while because i dont want to. I see nothing wrong with taking a break from, its not like im leaving being a christian i just dont want to go to church anymore. Remember a church is just a building that you go to get together to praise god, you dont just have to go to church to say your a christian. I mean as long as i believe in god and know thats where i came from and everything there is nothing wrong i dont see. i'll live :)

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

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