Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Florida, word


So im leaving for florida at around 8am, in the morning so thats in 7 hours. I'll be home i think the 8th of april, so yeah. Hope everyone had a great rest of the week and stuff !

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Monday, March 29, 2010



SOOOOOOOOOOOO, like today was boring. I didn't go to bed last night till like 3am or something. Then i woke up around 12:30pm, lol so sad. I went out got skyline and some pop :). Then thats about all i did. Totally lame/boring day, i need to go and start figuring what im going to wear to florida since we leave like wed. morning around 7:30am. We will be in florida from march 31st- april 7th, were leaving on the 7th so, yeah. My dad got a promotion, i guess its what you wanna call it and he starts the new job on the 9th. If he wasn't starting the job then we would stay till the 12th. But whatever, it's a week in florida im not going to complain :) ! So I'll be back on the 8th, and then 10 days later i'll be leaving to go to haiti. Woop Woop.

Anyway i think i might see about playing on the ps3 later tonight, if i can get my brother off the tv. I want to play a game, but im not sure what i wan to play, like i've been thinking about replaying AC 2, but im not sure. Because i really dont want to play cod mf2.

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Amazing Weekend


This will be short, but i had an amazing weekend with my friends. Well the weekend isn't over yet i still have tomorrow (sunday) but friday and saturday were both amazing days. It was so nice to hang with friends and have fun :) woop woop! I leave wed. morning for florida, not sure when day i'll be back. It will be between april 7th and april 12th. But im so pumped for florida, it's suppose to be really nice and in the mid to upper 70's and sunny the whole time im down there. Well the last time i checked thats what the weather said lol. Anyway hope everyone has a great weekend!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For haiti

Friday, March 26, 2010



Haha im going to go hang out with my friends woop :) spending the night and everything and should be TOTALLY FUN! GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE HECK YES, well maybe i mean katies car is messed up so idk if the plans are all the same :( . So like i might end up back home tonight since she wont have her car. So that could be some mix feelings about that. Well ok lets say as of right now its going to be fun and im spending the night LOL. I hope i do end up spending the night, any, random she just called me and were still going to wal-mart soooooo that might mean everything is a go. How about a thumbs up and its going to be good HAHA. Anyway hope everyone has A GREAT WEEKEND :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sidenote (not counting today):

4 Days Till FLORIDA
22 Days Till HAITI
29 Days Till my 19TH BIRTHDAY :)

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Thursday, March 25, 2010



So like i keep getting hit on my OLDER DUDES! Like the age range that i've hit on by is 25yrs-55yrs old, DUDE really like its a little creepy when people that are old are hitting on me.

Totally random but this song "Shake Ya Ass" by: Mystikal just came on, dude i've not heard this song in so long haha.

Anyway back to PERVERTS, like im freaken 18 yrs old people why in the world am i getting hit on by all these guys and freaken old ones to ugh. If i had a dollar for every dude thats asked if i wanted to hook up i'd be freaken rich. I'm sorry but im not that type of person, ugh guys are PERVERTS and always think with there down stairs i swear. Alot of them are like you have nice lips and nice boobs and a nice ass oh and how they love my smile (sure i guess my smile is ok but still)....dude really wtf keep your thoughts to yourself i dont wanna hear them from ya. Like i never talk about it so people would never guess the stuff i've heard from guys but i swear i think i've heard everything you can think of. Oh to top the creepness i've been offered to be PAID BEFORE WTF! Yeah im for real i've had guys want to pay me umm like wtf, just to everyone knows i've said NO and that they were pervs. Oh and wtf is up with guys and panties, an other question i get a lot, if i would send my panties WTF, ugh guys are nasty. Ok not all guys but there is a large amount that are NASTY. Like i totally think i might be saying way to much info but whatever, if you reading this and dont want to then dont LOL. I'm just saying the shit thats happened to me LOl. Anyway soo thats whats happened so far in my life, lol Oh wait before i finish, i've been getting hit on my OLDER GUYS since i was like 15 WTF. I've been getting told since i was like 14 that i look 21 wtf, i mean it's not gotten any high so maybe when im like 25 or something i'll still look 21, who knows. Anyway yeah haha

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, March 24, 2010



Yeap so tuseday was a kinda boring day, didn't do much. Played a little on the laptop, watched some tv ate GOLD STAR WOOP WOOP :) ! I went and saw my uncle, he was doing ok. He was feeling a little sick but he thinks he only has a cold, i hope its nothing more than that. Umm my freaken package with my stuff i sent to the school has yet to freaken get there WTF. Like the lady at the post office was like oh it will get there monday, ok like monday and has happened and its freaken now wednesday. Like it better be there today if im that is freaken gay, we payed money for that thing to get there on monday. WTF, like it spent 3 freaken days in TN, i freaken bunch of HICKS. Whatever, i just hope they get it so they dont have to call the house asking if we sent it again. Oh like it's also got like $100.00 money order in it also so that thing better get to the school. Anyway no reason to be freaken out about it, as long as they get it is all that matters. So totally random but woop woop im hanging out with friends this weekend WOOOOOOOOOOOO, im so totally pumped. Like i hope we go do something and dont stay home when im with them, like maybe we'll go to the mall and like out to eat or something. Hahaha and some great times in the car, having music loud and acting like tards, i can't wait :) ! Maybe i'll be able to spend the night, if so wooo, not being home, if not it's ok i'll live also. Haha my personal goal is not to look at guys in cars and get them to look at us and act all big and bad while driving. Like somehow i seem to be the one who ends up getting into that thing. But hey ya never know, maybe i just got the touch lol. I'm so def takening my camera with me, pictures and videos haha of everything, im sure there will be dancing and singing. Dude i can't wait yay! Anyway i still have a couple days till i can see my friends :( so sad.

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Monday, March 22, 2010



So like all i did today was watch tv thats crazy, like i never watch this much tv normally but thats all i did today. Like it was raining all day for the most part so like what could i of done anyway. Like i played modern warfare 2 on ps3 maybe 25mins at most. Like i got bored really fast from playing it. So yeah my day was really LAME, but whatever i guess. I hope tomorrow isn't such a crappy day outside, like i wanna go outside and not be stuck in the house. I mean like today i went to the store but still thats not that great if you ask me, oh boy going to the store WOOO. Oh like totally random but im going to have a good size scar on my right knee from falling at my uncle's LOL. I'm listening to aol radio right now and like all the songs suck ass. Like i might find a song i like every once in a while :/ poo. Anyway this is freaken random as crap, :( i just hit my knee against the table dude PAIN. Ok like still i've not heard jack shit from any family members about spending time with them, like wtf lol. Whatever i hope to this week if not im going to be like omg. lol whatever :p

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Sunday, March 21, 2010

So So


Ok like this is what day 3 of trying to find a family member i can go stay with and yet NOTHING WTF. Like dude common like i freaken sent them all a MESSAGE on facebook about it and what NOTHING. I mean i did only sent the message out last night around 11:30pm so i mean that was late and whatever, and im chop chop i wanna answer now. Which i've not gotten so im all like WTF, but its ok i still have till i leave for florida on march 31st or april 1st. But if any of y'all are reading this and your like oh i'll wait to answer umm hellz to the no, freaken better answer before that time, so like that gives them 9 days to answer, like i wanna answer before i go to florida. Oh and like i've said in the last 2 blogs if you want to see about having me for a month or a little more (that would be in MAY) then comment this post, facebook me, or e-mail me at . Anyway to back to today, so church was long, but i enjoyed it. It went really smooth and everything which is nice. Then i went and had gold star for lunch AMAZING, i had left overs for dinner. But i'm kinda hungry right now and i wanna pop but its like almost 10pm and i dont need a pop cuz i'll be up forever, but i might make some toast. Anyway umm i went outside today again and was kick the soccer ball around. I missed kicking the soccer ball, it was really nice and kick something just makes to feel better in general i think. So yeah, i think im going to go outside and kick the soccer ball again tomorrow, and this is random but while i was kicking the ball around i had this feeling and need to like go run. It was odd like who in there right mind feels like running for no reason, lol not me. Oh and like the cuts on both knees are freaken going to be SCARS, not cool. Have a GREAT WEEK!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today was EHHH


So i woke up like at 5:30am stinkin wide awake and i ended up sending a tweet over my phone then going back to bed LOL. Anyway i ended up waking up around 9 something, and that was somewhat ehhh. Lucky my brother was his friend were up and they had started to make something to eat so i had something to eat. It was ok its not something that i normally eat but whatever i ended up eatting it. So after that i got on the computer and killed some time till around noonish. Then my dad woke up and i had him take me to get a pop LOL, i know sad right. Anyway i ended up spending most of the rest of the day outside either talking to him while he worked on his car or i kicked the soccer ball around the yard. I've not kicked the soccer ball around in a long long time so i was nice to kick it and to take some anger out that i had inside. Then i told my dad that i wanted to go stay at a family members house in May to spend the month to get used to not living at home for school. I'M STILL LOOKING FOR A FAMILY MEMBER TO LET ME STAY FOR A MONTH, IF YOU WANT TO LET ME, COMMENT THIS POST, FACEBOOK ME, OR E-MAIL ME AT . I should be able to find my own way to where you live. So travel shouldn't be the problem :) JUST LET ME KNOW PLEASE ! Anyway he said it sounds a like a good idea, i mean i've never really gone somewhere and stayed a month, i mean i've been to my uncle's who lives like 10 mins away but that was close. I want to go somewhere thats not that close, anyway so he said when we figure the place if any then we'll deal with travel. But i think i might go back outside and kick the soccer ball around since i'm bored and i hate being inside the house.

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Friday, March 19, 2010



So its on lol, im on the hunt to find a place to stay at for a month. Maybe a little more not to sure as of right now but i know for a fact a month. The month would be MAY :), like i want to get used to not staying at home and being somewhere else for some time before i move down to Miami,Florida. If i can it would be with a family member that doesn't live near me like im not going to see about staying at my uncles in goshen, or at my grandma's in goshen. Like i want to stay out of state if i can. So if anyone who's family is reading this and wouldn't mind if i stayed there with you for a month or so then comment this post or facebook me or e-mail me at . You might be wondering why not april and well there is a reason to that, starting march 31st or april 1st - either april 7th or april 12th i'll be in florida on vac with my dad, maybe mom...and idk about that. Anyway then i'll come back and i leave to go to haiti april 18th-24th, that means i'll be spending my birthday in haiti. Well half of the day in haiti, my brithday is april 24th. So that will be an interesting day. Anyway then i'll be free from april 25th on, and i would like to go to who evers house either the end of april or like the first week in may.

I would really like to do this, since i've never gone and stayed at a family members house before for a while. And personaly i need to get away from the house, like i would go to someones house right now till i left for florida but i know that wont be happening. So please if anyone is reading this and wouldn't mind me staying with them for a little while comment this post, facebook me, or e-mail me at .

Thanks :)

Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Florida :)


Ok so like last nights blog was all over and i  was very upset when i was writing it. Like this morning it wasn't much better but as the day went on i just ignored the problems and i feel better about everything for the most part. I mean don't get me wrong im still pissed at my dad in the back of my head but there is no reason to show it, i mean who likes to be grumpy anyway, not me. And i'm listening to some michael jackson music so thats made me feel some what better also :) !

So back to Florida, so like i LOVED the whole trip and everything we did. Like i hope i didn't come off that i didn't enjoy the trip or that i was happy to leave. To tell the turth i was sad when i left to get on the plane to head back home, i really didn't want to come back home. I mean yeah i guess i was happy to be home kinda but not really, i mean its not like i dont see my family all the time here. And to get to spend a week with people that i dont ever see, it was amazing and really nice. It was nice to be around people that didn't fight all the time and hate each other and you could laugh it was just really nice. It was a big difference from my day to day life, but i'd never take back anything. It was like some of the best 10days i've had in a really really really long time. Like it was my way out of fighting at home and not getting along with people. Aunt Sheila said something to me while in florida about coming to stay with her until i left for haiti, you know what i would take her up on that now if i could. I'd leave tomorrow to fly out of here if i could to go stay with some family member to get away from this house and get away from all the bad stuff around me. LOL I could always dream and wish i could go stay with someone else for a little bit. Anyway i loved everything and it was amazing. :)

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti



Ok i'm going to get this rant over with first, then i'll talk about vac with family. OK WTF IS UP WITH DRAMA IN THE FAMILY ?!?!?!?!?! Like dude really i come home and everyone isn't getting along and crap is happening. Like as long as i can make it though the next couple weeks and make it till the time i go to haiti then everything will be ok. I'm looking forward to haiti so much right now its not even funny, i would freaken leave tomorrow to just get away from all this crap thats happening here. Anyway there's no reason to be all down about it i guess, now on the the florida stuff :) !

So florida was totally amazing, i had so much fun. Like i just enjoyed everything, i think the just getting away from the family i see everything was the best part. That might sound mean but to go to a place with family you dont really know and get to know them is way better than hearing people fight about dumb shit. To tell the turth i dont know if im looking forward to going to florida in april, i'll be going with my dad and we just fight all the time.

Like i love how once i left my dad in the airport in cincinnati, like he could of cared less what i did or anything, like i could of just freaken gone to china with some random person and i dont think he could of gived a crap. Like the only time i talked to him while i was gone was once and we ended up fighting over the phone. How the fucken shit can you not care about your own fucken kid ? Like he didn't even remember when i was suppose to come home and when he was finally told about it he didn't give a shit. To top it all he fucken e-mailed me on facebook and told me i had to find my own way home cuz he had to work and could be late. Like what if i didn't have a way home, or someone to pick me up. Like what i could of had to freaken walked home or gotten a ride with some random person! Did he call me once i got home ? NOPE, did he call today (tuseday) NOPE, like some random shit could of happened and would he of cared, i really dont know. Like when i walked in the house he wouldn't even TALK TO ME. Like when i tryed talking to home he started to yell at me for what reason, because i got upset yesterday (monday) about him not picking me up and not having the normal thinking about of person to call ME. And like a little bit ago he came into the kitchen and freaken told me i need to go to bed, how the shit can he care about when i sleep but he doesn't care when im not home or doesn't care about everything is going ?!? And then he came over and told me he was happy for me to be home, HOW DARE HIM fucken even say that me to. Like how the fucken shit can he think its ok to not give and shit and then all of a sudden say one thing to me and he thinks eveything is ok. Like it just freaken hurts, like you think someone loves you *i mean he his my dad after all* but in the big picture he could really care less and only wants to love us when he feels the time to.

I would of given anything to not of came home at all and to of just gone somewhere else to stay or something. I'm just tired of caring about some stuff anymore. I'm tired of crying over this type of stuff, im tired of people not caring. I swear to god when i have kids i'm never going to be like this to them, im going to be there for my kids, im going to love my kids, and not leave them. I NEVER EVER WANT TO BE LIKE MY MOM AND DAD !


Thursday, March 4, 2010



So i'm going to be out of town starting today (thursday) untill the 15th (monday). I'm going up to my uncle's for like a day or 2 then, were going down to florida with his family and my aunt's family, we'll be in florida sunday. So i wont post a blog untill i get back either on the 15th that night or on the 16th. Well unless i can get wifi on my psp and that i can get on my blog then i might update donno yet. Hope very one has a great rest of the week and weekend :) !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Tuesday, March 2, 2010



So like i woke up at noon today, my voice was all cracky and i sounded sick :( . But as the day went on it started getting better anyway so i called my rep from the school im going to this summer, this morning to fill out some stuff i got in the mail on saturday. Anyway so that went ok i guess, i need to send it out soon (like tomorrow) and have my dad do some stuff while im on vac so im up todate with everything in the school. Anyway so after that was all done my dad and myself went out to eat for lunch, and i had a tooth appointment to have my mouth looked at after having my wisdom teeth removed. Like when we got there, i think that was the fastest appointment i've ever had in my life haha i might of lasted like 5 mins at most. Then we left and came home and i had to go see my uncle tonight. So like we stopped got pizza and went to see him, we look the pizza in where he lives so he could have some, it was like a little party for my grandma since her birthday is tomorrow. I feel the need to buy her a birthday even though she said not to. But every thing went good at my uncle and stuff it was nice seeing him :).

So like im still not packed for the trip that im leaving on this thur LOL. I have tomorrow to get everything ready, like i have no idea what im going to wear or anything. I need to get my butt in gear and start thinking about clothes and freaken pack everything up so i'll be ready thurs. morning/afternoon. Anyway thats all, nothing special, but i do think im going to bed earlier tonight then what i have in a good while.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Interesting Day :)


So today was umm ok. Like i didn't wake up till 1pm LOL, yeah i know that is really late but i needed my sleep from not sleeping the day before and feeling like CRAP. Anyway so i showed my dad my stuff i got in the mail from the school im going to. I wanted him to be caught up with everything because later today (tuseday) im going to call my rep. from the school and fill out the forms so i can mail them out before i go to florida so they will have them while on im gone. I hope everything goes ok with filling them out, i've filled out 2 of the 3 papers i got already with my info. Any how so my brother had a choir concert yesterday (monday). They sounded really good, it was a little odd being back in the high school since i've not seen in a there since nov. 2009, so that was like 4 months ago. I can't believe its already march, like dude thats the 3rd month in year CRAZY. But im happy its going fast i want summer to hurry up. Anyway so like tomorrow is my grandma's birthday, i need to buy her a birthday card from my brother and myself, were going to buy pizza and go over to my uncle's for dinner to have a little get together. Can't wait, i love pizza mmmm :). i started packing some of my stuff for florida, but i can't figure if im going to take shorts or pants to florida. Like i dont want to be warm in pants but i dont want to be cold in shorts. I can't decide yet, lol so i might not pack shorts till tomorrow. Well i need to go brush my teeth, i have a appointment tomorrow to get them checked to see how everything is going from having the wisdom teeth pulled. I hope that goes good, i just hope i dont freaken have food in my mouth, cuz food keeps getting stuck, haha i know to much info lol, oh well. I hope everyone has a GREAT WEEK !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Monday, March 1, 2010

Wow It's late


So like i came home from my friends earlier today like around 1:30ish maybe. I had a GREAT TIME :) !Anyway i didn't feel good at all, like i felt all yuckie and i just didn't feel good. I think it was from having to much sugar from the night/day before and than not getting much sleep. So i ended up taking a shower early today and i felt better for the most part after it. I've not really done anything today other than watch tv and be on the internet. I've been trying to figure what clothes to take with me on vac. Because well one before i go to florida its going to be cold so i need long pants (need to do the wash ahah). But when i get down to florida like idk if i should take shorts to wear cuz it will be warm enough or take pants to wear. Like it says the high will be in the 70's and low int he mid-40's to 50's. But like i dont want to be cold but i also dont want to be really warm like a mofo. So i guess i'll have to wait till it gets closer to the time that i leave to figure how the weather down there so i know what clothes to pack. Anywy i just looked at the time and didn't even realize it was that late, im not sure what time i thought it was but whatever LOL. To tell the turth im suprised i've lasted thing long and have not fallen asleep, since like saturday i went to bed at 5:00am and got up at noon, then sunday morning i went to bed like around 4am-ish, and i woke up at 7:30am. But i really wasn't asleep the whole time so i got less than 3 hours of sleep. I'm just amazed i've lasted to where its now like 1:44am and i'm doing ok LOL. Anyway i need to brush my teeth and go to bed, im sure i'll feel 100% tomorrow.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti and Chile