Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Interesting Day :)


So today was umm ok. Like i didn't wake up till 1pm LOL, yeah i know that is really late but i needed my sleep from not sleeping the day before and feeling like CRAP. Anyway so i showed my dad my stuff i got in the mail from the school im going to. I wanted him to be caught up with everything because later today (tuseday) im going to call my rep. from the school and fill out the forms so i can mail them out before i go to florida so they will have them while on im gone. I hope everything goes ok with filling them out, i've filled out 2 of the 3 papers i got already with my info. Any how so my brother had a choir concert yesterday (monday). They sounded really good, it was a little odd being back in the high school since i've not seen in a there since nov. 2009, so that was like 4 months ago. I can't believe its already march, like dude thats the 3rd month in year CRAZY. But im happy its going fast i want summer to hurry up. Anyway so like tomorrow is my grandma's birthday, i need to buy her a birthday card from my brother and myself, were going to buy pizza and go over to my uncle's for dinner to have a little get together. Can't wait, i love pizza mmmm :). i started packing some of my stuff for florida, but i can't figure if im going to take shorts or pants to florida. Like i dont want to be warm in pants but i dont want to be cold in shorts. I can't decide yet, lol so i might not pack shorts till tomorrow. Well i need to go brush my teeth, i have a appointment tomorrow to get them checked to see how everything is going from having the wisdom teeth pulled. I hope that goes good, i just hope i dont freaken have food in my mouth, cuz food keeps getting stuck, haha i know to much info lol, oh well. I hope everyone has a GREAT WEEK !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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