Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today was EHHH


So i woke up like at 5:30am stinkin wide awake and i ended up sending a tweet over my phone then going back to bed LOL. Anyway i ended up waking up around 9 something, and that was somewhat ehhh. Lucky my brother was his friend were up and they had started to make something to eat so i had something to eat. It was ok its not something that i normally eat but whatever i ended up eatting it. So after that i got on the computer and killed some time till around noonish. Then my dad woke up and i had him take me to get a pop LOL, i know sad right. Anyway i ended up spending most of the rest of the day outside either talking to him while he worked on his car or i kicked the soccer ball around the yard. I've not kicked the soccer ball around in a long long time so i was nice to kick it and to take some anger out that i had inside. Then i told my dad that i wanted to go stay at a family members house in May to spend the month to get used to not living at home for school. I'M STILL LOOKING FOR A FAMILY MEMBER TO LET ME STAY FOR A MONTH, IF YOU WANT TO LET ME, COMMENT THIS POST, FACEBOOK ME, OR E-MAIL ME AT . I should be able to find my own way to where you live. So travel shouldn't be the problem :) JUST LET ME KNOW PLEASE ! Anyway he said it sounds a like a good idea, i mean i've never really gone somewhere and stayed a month, i mean i've been to my uncle's who lives like 10 mins away but that was close. I want to go somewhere thats not that close, anyway so he said when we figure the place if any then we'll deal with travel. But i think i might go back outside and kick the soccer ball around since i'm bored and i hate being inside the house.

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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