Monday, March 1, 2010

Wow It's late


So like i came home from my friends earlier today like around 1:30ish maybe. I had a GREAT TIME :) !Anyway i didn't feel good at all, like i felt all yuckie and i just didn't feel good. I think it was from having to much sugar from the night/day before and than not getting much sleep. So i ended up taking a shower early today and i felt better for the most part after it. I've not really done anything today other than watch tv and be on the internet. I've been trying to figure what clothes to take with me on vac. Because well one before i go to florida its going to be cold so i need long pants (need to do the wash ahah). But when i get down to florida like idk if i should take shorts to wear cuz it will be warm enough or take pants to wear. Like it says the high will be in the 70's and low int he mid-40's to 50's. But like i dont want to be cold but i also dont want to be really warm like a mofo. So i guess i'll have to wait till it gets closer to the time that i leave to figure how the weather down there so i know what clothes to pack. Anywy i just looked at the time and didn't even realize it was that late, im not sure what time i thought it was but whatever LOL. To tell the turth im suprised i've lasted thing long and have not fallen asleep, since like saturday i went to bed at 5:00am and got up at noon, then sunday morning i went to bed like around 4am-ish, and i woke up at 7:30am. But i really wasn't asleep the whole time so i got less than 3 hours of sleep. I'm just amazed i've lasted to where its now like 1:44am and i'm doing ok LOL. Anyway i need to brush my teeth and go to bed, im sure i'll feel 100% tomorrow.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti and Chile

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