Sunday, September 12, 2010



I just want everyone to NEVER forget what happened 9 years ago from yesterday (its sunday here haha), 9/11 ! I hope you remember where you were at this moment that it happened, just remember it did happen to us and you may not think about it. But tones of people lost loved ones and its been really ruff for people. I personally didn't know anyone who lost a loved one, but that doesn't matter. Even if you dont know anyone you can still pray and member the people who did lose them. When it happened i was 10 years old and i was in history class in 5th grade. I will never forget about it and what happened. I love how we as a country came together as one, but were not really like that anymore. I just wish people would remember how we at one point all got a long no matter what party you were. It's sad that it takes something that big to have the country come as a whole. Anyway just remember what happened and be thankful we have troops to keep us FREE and safe!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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