Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Florida :)


Ok so like last nights blog was all over and i  was very upset when i was writing it. Like this morning it wasn't much better but as the day went on i just ignored the problems and i feel better about everything for the most part. I mean don't get me wrong im still pissed at my dad in the back of my head but there is no reason to show it, i mean who likes to be grumpy anyway, not me. And i'm listening to some michael jackson music so thats made me feel some what better also :) !

So back to Florida, so like i LOVED the whole trip and everything we did. Like i hope i didn't come off that i didn't enjoy the trip or that i was happy to leave. To tell the turth i was sad when i left to get on the plane to head back home, i really didn't want to come back home. I mean yeah i guess i was happy to be home kinda but not really, i mean its not like i dont see my family all the time here. And to get to spend a week with people that i dont ever see, it was amazing and really nice. It was nice to be around people that didn't fight all the time and hate each other and you could laugh it was just really nice. It was a big difference from my day to day life, but i'd never take back anything. It was like some of the best 10days i've had in a really really really long time. Like it was my way out of fighting at home and not getting along with people. Aunt Sheila said something to me while in florida about coming to stay with her until i left for haiti, you know what i would take her up on that now if i could. I'd leave tomorrow to fly out of here if i could to go stay with some family member to get away from this house and get away from all the bad stuff around me. LOL I could always dream and wish i could go stay with someone else for a little bit. Anyway i loved everything and it was amazing. :)

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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