Wednesday, March 24, 2010



Yeap so tuseday was a kinda boring day, didn't do much. Played a little on the laptop, watched some tv ate GOLD STAR WOOP WOOP :) ! I went and saw my uncle, he was doing ok. He was feeling a little sick but he thinks he only has a cold, i hope its nothing more than that. Umm my freaken package with my stuff i sent to the school has yet to freaken get there WTF. Like the lady at the post office was like oh it will get there monday, ok like monday and has happened and its freaken now wednesday. Like it better be there today if im that is freaken gay, we payed money for that thing to get there on monday. WTF, like it spent 3 freaken days in TN, i freaken bunch of HICKS. Whatever, i just hope they get it so they dont have to call the house asking if we sent it again. Oh like it's also got like $100.00 money order in it also so that thing better get to the school. Anyway no reason to be freaken out about it, as long as they get it is all that matters. So totally random but woop woop im hanging out with friends this weekend WOOOOOOOOOOOO, im so totally pumped. Like i hope we go do something and dont stay home when im with them, like maybe we'll go to the mall and like out to eat or something. Hahaha and some great times in the car, having music loud and acting like tards, i can't wait :) ! Maybe i'll be able to spend the night, if so wooo, not being home, if not it's ok i'll live also. Haha my personal goal is not to look at guys in cars and get them to look at us and act all big and bad while driving. Like somehow i seem to be the one who ends up getting into that thing. But hey ya never know, maybe i just got the touch lol. I'm so def takening my camera with me, pictures and videos haha of everything, im sure there will be dancing and singing. Dude i can't wait yay! Anyway i still have a couple days till i can see my friends :( so sad.

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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