Wednesday, March 17, 2010



Ok i'm going to get this rant over with first, then i'll talk about vac with family. OK WTF IS UP WITH DRAMA IN THE FAMILY ?!?!?!?!?! Like dude really i come home and everyone isn't getting along and crap is happening. Like as long as i can make it though the next couple weeks and make it till the time i go to haiti then everything will be ok. I'm looking forward to haiti so much right now its not even funny, i would freaken leave tomorrow to just get away from all this crap thats happening here. Anyway there's no reason to be all down about it i guess, now on the the florida stuff :) !

So florida was totally amazing, i had so much fun. Like i just enjoyed everything, i think the just getting away from the family i see everything was the best part. That might sound mean but to go to a place with family you dont really know and get to know them is way better than hearing people fight about dumb shit. To tell the turth i dont know if im looking forward to going to florida in april, i'll be going with my dad and we just fight all the time.

Like i love how once i left my dad in the airport in cincinnati, like he could of cared less what i did or anything, like i could of just freaken gone to china with some random person and i dont think he could of gived a crap. Like the only time i talked to him while i was gone was once and we ended up fighting over the phone. How the fucken shit can you not care about your own fucken kid ? Like he didn't even remember when i was suppose to come home and when he was finally told about it he didn't give a shit. To top it all he fucken e-mailed me on facebook and told me i had to find my own way home cuz he had to work and could be late. Like what if i didn't have a way home, or someone to pick me up. Like what i could of had to freaken walked home or gotten a ride with some random person! Did he call me once i got home ? NOPE, did he call today (tuseday) NOPE, like some random shit could of happened and would he of cared, i really dont know. Like when i walked in the house he wouldn't even TALK TO ME. Like when i tryed talking to home he started to yell at me for what reason, because i got upset yesterday (monday) about him not picking me up and not having the normal thinking about of person to call ME. And like a little bit ago he came into the kitchen and freaken told me i need to go to bed, how the shit can he care about when i sleep but he doesn't care when im not home or doesn't care about everything is going ?!? And then he came over and told me he was happy for me to be home, HOW DARE HIM fucken even say that me to. Like how the fucken shit can he think its ok to not give and shit and then all of a sudden say one thing to me and he thinks eveything is ok. Like it just freaken hurts, like you think someone loves you *i mean he his my dad after all* but in the big picture he could really care less and only wants to love us when he feels the time to.

I would of given anything to not of came home at all and to of just gone somewhere else to stay or something. I'm just tired of caring about some stuff anymore. I'm tired of crying over this type of stuff, im tired of people not caring. I swear to god when i have kids i'm never going to be like this to them, im going to be there for my kids, im going to love my kids, and not leave them. I NEVER EVER WANT TO BE LIKE MY MOM AND DAD !


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