Thursday, March 25, 2010



So like i keep getting hit on my OLDER DUDES! Like the age range that i've hit on by is 25yrs-55yrs old, DUDE really like its a little creepy when people that are old are hitting on me.

Totally random but this song "Shake Ya Ass" by: Mystikal just came on, dude i've not heard this song in so long haha.

Anyway back to PERVERTS, like im freaken 18 yrs old people why in the world am i getting hit on by all these guys and freaken old ones to ugh. If i had a dollar for every dude thats asked if i wanted to hook up i'd be freaken rich. I'm sorry but im not that type of person, ugh guys are PERVERTS and always think with there down stairs i swear. Alot of them are like you have nice lips and nice boobs and a nice ass oh and how they love my smile (sure i guess my smile is ok but still)....dude really wtf keep your thoughts to yourself i dont wanna hear them from ya. Like i never talk about it so people would never guess the stuff i've heard from guys but i swear i think i've heard everything you can think of. Oh to top the creepness i've been offered to be PAID BEFORE WTF! Yeah im for real i've had guys want to pay me umm like wtf, just to everyone knows i've said NO and that they were pervs. Oh and wtf is up with guys and panties, an other question i get a lot, if i would send my panties WTF, ugh guys are nasty. Ok not all guys but there is a large amount that are NASTY. Like i totally think i might be saying way to much info but whatever, if you reading this and dont want to then dont LOL. I'm just saying the shit thats happened to me LOl. Anyway soo thats whats happened so far in my life, lol Oh wait before i finish, i've been getting hit on my OLDER GUYS since i was like 15 WTF. I've been getting told since i was like 14 that i look 21 wtf, i mean it's not gotten any high so maybe when im like 25 or something i'll still look 21, who knows. Anyway yeah haha

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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