Sunday, March 21, 2010

So So


Ok like this is what day 3 of trying to find a family member i can go stay with and yet NOTHING WTF. Like dude common like i freaken sent them all a MESSAGE on facebook about it and what NOTHING. I mean i did only sent the message out last night around 11:30pm so i mean that was late and whatever, and im chop chop i wanna answer now. Which i've not gotten so im all like WTF, but its ok i still have till i leave for florida on march 31st or april 1st. But if any of y'all are reading this and your like oh i'll wait to answer umm hellz to the no, freaken better answer before that time, so like that gives them 9 days to answer, like i wanna answer before i go to florida. Oh and like i've said in the last 2 blogs if you want to see about having me for a month or a little more (that would be in MAY) then comment this post, facebook me, or e-mail me at . Anyway to back to today, so church was long, but i enjoyed it. It went really smooth and everything which is nice. Then i went and had gold star for lunch AMAZING, i had left overs for dinner. But i'm kinda hungry right now and i wanna pop but its like almost 10pm and i dont need a pop cuz i'll be up forever, but i might make some toast. Anyway umm i went outside today again and was kick the soccer ball around. I missed kicking the soccer ball, it was really nice and kick something just makes to feel better in general i think. So yeah, i think im going to go outside and kick the soccer ball again tomorrow, and this is random but while i was kicking the ball around i had this feeling and need to like go run. It was odd like who in there right mind feels like running for no reason, lol not me. Oh and like the cuts on both knees are freaken going to be SCARS, not cool. Have a GREAT WEEK!

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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