Monday, March 22, 2010



So like all i did today was watch tv thats crazy, like i never watch this much tv normally but thats all i did today. Like it was raining all day for the most part so like what could i of done anyway. Like i played modern warfare 2 on ps3 maybe 25mins at most. Like i got bored really fast from playing it. So yeah my day was really LAME, but whatever i guess. I hope tomorrow isn't such a crappy day outside, like i wanna go outside and not be stuck in the house. I mean like today i went to the store but still thats not that great if you ask me, oh boy going to the store WOOO. Oh like totally random but im going to have a good size scar on my right knee from falling at my uncle's LOL. I'm listening to aol radio right now and like all the songs suck ass. Like i might find a song i like every once in a while :/ poo. Anyway this is freaken random as crap, :( i just hit my knee against the table dude PAIN. Ok like still i've not heard jack shit from any family members about spending time with them, like wtf lol. Whatever i hope to this week if not im going to be like omg. lol whatever :p

Peace Out,
Sam Kidder

Pray For Haiti

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