Saturday, February 27, 2010



So i wont be home from 3:30pm (today, saturday) till sometime tomorrow(sunday), so pumped :) ! I'm going bowling tonight and then whatever i guess after word then were going to my friend ashley's house to spend the night and catch up on stuff, we've not seen each other since june, 2009! Almost a freaken YEAR, that is crazy stuff there. anyway so i posting this now since i wont tonight LOL. Anyway i woke up at noon, so i've only been up for a little bit but im going good, my hand looks better right now :), but im a little worried it migth start acting up later on, i hope it doesn't LOL. Anyway i hope everyone has a great saturday and well a great weekend in general :) ! Oh and you hear about Chile WTF i've not had the tv on but a 8.8 earthquake is from what i've heard/read a little on the net. So i hope everyone prays for them also !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti and Chile



So today i totally woke up late, like my grandma was suppose to be at the house at 9am-9:30am to pick me up and i was going to wake up at 8:30am to get ready. Haha, yeah like that didn't happen she ended up waking me up by yelling up the stairs at me at 9:34am. I like got up and put whatever i had around on and left the house. LOL. I was still trying to wake up when i got in the car, i mean i wasn't tired cuz when i fell asleep last night i was out. It was the first good sleep in a couple days, so i enjoyed it but i wish i would of woke up when my alarm went off, oh well. But anyway so i went and cleaned the church with her and my uncle. It went well for the most part and we got done around noon. Then she dropped me off at the house and i like did nothing all day HAHA. Like i watched tv, was on the computer/internet and thats about all. Oh i watched my brother play on the ps3, he was playing Assassin's Creed 2, that is an amazing game :) ! I think i might go play it right now, lol.

Oh like before i went and took a shower a little bit ago i looked down at my hand and like my fingers were swollen, red, hurt and were hot to touch. Like i have no idea whats wrong with them, so like i took my shower like normal and when i got out they were really really red, so i put lotion on because i thought maybe there dry, well that didn't help at all. When the lotion finally dryed my hand was burning even more, was freaken hotter and looked way worse. I called my dad at work and he said go run my hand under cold water and put stuff on my hand that you put on when you have a sun burn. When i put my hand under the cold water it was amazing like it stopped hurting and the red went away, then it put some soap and they didn't hurt, but i turned on some warm water, OMFG it started burned and went back to red. So i put the cold water back on and it stopped hurting again and everything. So i tryed it but it was freezing cold, anyway and i put the stuff for sunburns on and its totally helped. Like its not as red anymore, and doesn't hurt to much, but my hand is really really cold, and i think the cold might be the thing thats keeping it from hurting again. But i really dont know, i called my dad about and told him what happened and he said he thinks im having a allergic reaction to something. I think he might be the hand soap, cuz my hands have been looking different since i started to use it but i dont know. So i guess tomorrow(well later today) when i wake up i'll have to see how it looks. I hope it looks ok and my hand warms up! Hope everyone has a great weekend :) !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Friday, February 26, 2010



So today was BORING! I woke up like at 12 something, and no one was home. Oh and i woke up to my freind texting me telling me we can't hang out tomorrow (which since i typing this late is today haha). She has to work or something like that :( but its ok cuz i talked to my brother and he said he would cover for me at church on sunday. Because my friend said that she she's free on saturday :). So im going to go out with my two friends (sarah and ashley) which i've not seen since we graduated :( . So it will be really nice to see them, and to just hang out with people and NO DRAMA! I'm not sue if were going to go bowling or not, but whatever we do will nice fun, and i will get away from this house and be with people my own age LOL. The people at church wont know what to do, because i didn't go to church last sunday cuz of my wisdom teeth being taken out, this sunday because i'll be with friends, and the next 2 sundays after that (7th and 14th) cuz i'll be on vac in florida LOL. Thats like a whole month with out being at church, crazy! Oh well it will be ok, i've needed this time to get away from church, i was stinkin thinking about leaving my church about a month ago cuz i was just so pissed about doing the power point and what not. But with not going to church for a month i'm sure i'll get over whatever i was pissed about, and anyway i'm going back to florida april 1st. So i'm going to miss another sunday (4th maybe 12th) not to sure if i'll piss the 12th or not just depends.

Anyway so i've downloaded 20 more songs to my psp tonight for my vac and plane flights. I already have a good amout of songs on it but i want to add more. I would add them to a ipod but my brother broke it so the only thing that i can take around with me thats small that can hold music is my psp. So i'll just deal with having to listen to music on it, it really doesn't bother me having to listen to it anyway. I go to the dr. to have my teeth looked at from having my wisdom teeth pulled, i hope everything looks ok and is going like how its suppose to. I have to go to that dr. on tuseday, then on wed. im going to this place down in cincinnati with some people from my church to help them give out food and take food to people, my church calls it "cincinnati city gospel group". I've never been before but i was asked 2 sundays ago if i wanted to go and i said sure why not. So that should be interesting, i hope it goes ok. Then thursday i leave to fly over to where my uncle lives and then go on vac with his family and my aunts family, that should be fun also. I hope the weather in florida is nice and atlest warm LOL. I would be ok if it was only 70 degrees outside there, thats way warmer than what it is here.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Crappy yet ok day


So today has been a good yet bad day. Like today i had the school i want to go to call and i had a interview, well that went really good. There sending some stuff out to me by mail, i have to send them back then i will be enrolled in the school. The school im going to be going to is called "Miami International Unversity of Art & Design" the school is in miami,florida. It's going to cost a pretty penny to go the school, but im not going to stress out about how much because if i did i wouldn't even go to it. But if i can just get my dad doing his part and everything then i'd be ok. But he is totally slacking on his part and im doing everything that im suppose to. So i dont know whats going to happen yet, i just hope he gets his stuff under control.

So that was the good news of the day, the bad news is somehow tonight i've pissed off my mom and dad. Like i dont even get how i did it but whatever, i mean they can hate me all they want i guess. It's there lost to be pissed at me, and not knowing how to deal with there own problems. To tell the turth i'll be so happy when  friday comes, on that day im going to go clean the church, then go over to my friends go bowling and just freaken enjoy being a 18 yr old. :) Oh and im spending the night to, i just can't wait to get away from all this drama in my life FOR NO REASON. Then after this weekend i can't wait till i get to go to my uncle's and stinken get away for a little while from everyone so they can get over themselves. I'm so ready to go to florida right now its not even funny. Anyway whatever to everyone i guess, i mean just have to stay happy and let them be the ones who are upset over stuff.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I love music


Yeah so im listening to music right now and its way late but i dont care. Today was boring like normal, didn't really do anything. I umm to the store wooo haha, bought some random stuff. I also went to see my uncle marvin. That was nice, i normally see him every tuseday but we've not been able to go for over a month to see him. Like every week we've tryed but its been either snowing or someone was in the hospital so i haven't been able to go. But i was really happy we were able to, it was nice seeing him and we put up stuff for him  in his room, he's at a nursing home, but its a really nice one, like you wouldn't think it was a nursing home unless  you knew it was. And well its a jewish nursing home, its like 3 stories high and have a big stage room (for shows they have and everything). Part of the nursing home is for people who can't take care of themselves, then on part is for people who are living there but need help to do things (thats where my uncle lives) and theres a part where if your jewish and want a retirement place to live. Anyway its really nice, and i like to go there, the people are always really nice.

Anyway so later today (it's wednesday morning haha) around 2pm i have a phone interview with a school that im trying to go to. It's the Miami International Unversity of Art & Design, the school is in Miami,Florida. I want to go to the school for photography, so i hope the interview goes good :).

Haha yeah :P

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Monday, February 22, 2010



Yeah i just wanted to update this to say i didn't have to take any pain meds today HAHA. Like im going to before i got to bed but thats all :) !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Sunday, February 21, 2010

No Church


Yeap so i didn't go to church today. It was nice to sleep in, like i didn't wake up till 1pm haha but i didn't go to sleep till 4am. So oh well i really didn't sleep that much. But like today the pain in my mouth was way better than yesterday. Like OMG i was in so much pain. Anyway so today was boring, all i did was watch my brother play on the ps3 and i went to the store. Oh boy haha.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dont Want To Miss A Thing


Yeah that is totally an awesome song "dont want to miss a thing" by aerosmith! Anyway so woke up this morning with very little pain, hope tomorrow morning it will be even better. I've not really done anything today other than watch tv and be on the computer. Ate alot of junk food today, i need to start eatting better again, but we dont really have anything in the house thats "good" haha. So yeah, umm tonight ray (my brother) had a homecoming dance. He went out to eat with his girl friend and some other people then were going to go to the dance. I hope it goes good, i used to love the dances (but i love to dance haha).

So yeah, like i'm just sitting here listening to music on the tv (90's music and sometimes i change the channel to rap/r&b) but its like just boring. I'm ready for something different so im not going to be doing the same crap everyday HAHA. Oh but next weekend 26th&27th going to go spend the night at a friends and hang out. Were going to go bowling and do some crazy stuff, should be fun and nice to get away from the house haha. And im so ready to leave and go on vac with my uncle and his family to florida next month. I'm so pumped that were going to florida, i love florida. I hope it nices and warm i want to work on a TAN. Everyone LOVES A TAN :) ! And swimming, i freaken love swimming. Like if there was one thing in the world i could do every day that would be to swim. Like i dont understand how people dont like to swim, its so relaxing and just do nice. I'm counting down the days till i leave to go there haha.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Thursday, February 18, 2010



So today was a good day for the most part. I mean i woke up this morning about 11ish maybe LOL, but i was in a good amout of pain. But its all good because after i got changed i went down stairs and took my meds and everything and i was fine :) ! So i spent alot of time today watching tv and being on the computer but more of watching tv. I was also really tired for no reason, like i just wanted to sleep in the chair watching tv and thats all. Anyway i didn't go to sleep. Like for lunch i ate ice cream omg, like my belly was so upset it wasn't even funny. I thought i was going to get sick or something, but i didn't. So after the ice cream i just drank water and i felt better. But for dinner i ate some chicken nuggets from wendy's mm so good. I also went to the store to pick up 2 2LT bottles of pop (cherry coke and normal coke). I've also ate like 4 sugar cookies haha sooo good! And like thats all i've done today haha, oh i took some pain meds again like around 5ish and im going to take some more before i go to bed :). But like today was the 3rd day and that lady said that today was going to be the worse day i'll have. So i guess that really isn't to bad ya know :) ! OH well i hope everyone has a great night and weekend !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Good Day


So far today has been a good day :). Like i woke up with morning with little to no pain in my mouth. I do have some pain but its not my mouth thats hurting its my jaw and my face muscles that hurt. But i can deal with that. I've ate some what normal food today, i mean its been soft but normal food, like i ate skyline for much had a 3-way. Anyway just wanted to update how the wisdom teeth being taken out is going. Hope everyone is having a good day!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wisdom Teeth Pulled :/


So this morning around 11am i went and had my wisdom teeth pulled. I only had 3 of them, so it went easier for the dentist. Right now my mouth is still numb, but i was way worse. I couldn't even talk ealier because i had like no control over my mouth because of it being so numb. But now the only thing thats bother me is that my bottom lip down to my chin are numb, so it makes it dark when eatting or drinking. Like i end up having ice cream on my lip/chin and dont even know about it until i look in the mirror. Oh well, anyway so tomorrow i can start eatting normal foods so i'll be happy about that. But tonight im going to go and eat gold star and have a 3-way :). The doctor said to just eat soft foods and a 3-way is soft in my book! I dont look that bad swollen wise, like all my friends faces were really big and whatever but mine is only a little bit. Here's a picture of what i look like after about 5 hours from the surgery :) !

in person you can tell a little bit but in this picture you can't even tell HAHA. Oh well :)

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Monday, February 15, 2010

So pissed its not even funny


So right now im so pissed at my mom and dad. I can't even like freaken tell how pissed i am like. I dont think i've been this pissed in a long ass time. Like i need to go find a way to calm down before i do something dumb. Maybe i'll go outside in the snow and take pictures, to get my mind off stuff. Like i was so pissed i started to freaken cry sitting here. Like my freaken dad asked to borrow some money from me and ray cuz he was freaken broke. WTF. Like he got money from his taxes and blew it all on my brother who has fucken cheated on his lied to him and everything. He said he spend like fucken $3,000 ON FUCKEN ASS! OMFG, like ya know that could of gone to something for HIS FUCKEN CHILDREN BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO, instead of giving it to help save for a house or help pay off det, HE FUCKEN GIVING IT TO MY MOTHER WHO HAS NOT GIVEN A SHIT ABOUT MY DAD OR MYSELF AND MY BROTHER SINCE WE WERE LIKE FREAKEN 9 AND 8 YEARS COLD. Like you know i want to say i love my mom and dad, because i do they my parents. But  if my mom really cared about myself and my brother it would be different. I mean like freaken growing up she was never there ever. She only wanted to be around us when it was ok time for her. I remember growing up and not seeing my mom and dad for days because they were out doing there thing. And i remember having soccer games and ray having baseball games and seeing them but when the game was over they had already left and wouldn't be there to say good job. Like how in the world can a parent be like that. Growing up no one even knew who my parents were cuz they were never there for anything for my brother and i. I've had to be there for each other our whole lives, thank the lord for my grandparents. As i've gotten older my dad and mom and give and taken on wanting to do anything with us. For a long time they lived together in there own place and we lived with grandma and grandpa. People may think that really dont know us oh wow you have a great mom and dad, but they've never been there for us in our lives. The people who should get all the credit should be grandma and grandpa, for always being there no matter what the problem is. Were both the way we are today because of our grandparents. I think im the way i am is because i've had to be a mother to my brother, i would really do anything for him if i needed to and i've always been there for him. Like i remember when he joined marching band at our high school i went to every game no matter rain or shine to suport him, since my mom and dad didn't care enough about him. Even his senior year, i went to all the home games to still support him. My dad couldn't of gone but he didn't he thought it was better to stay home and watch tv. But you know what when i get older and look back on it i'll remember that i was there to support my brother and even if no one else was, it doesn't matter because atlest he wasn't there by himself! At the end of the day you can't make us for the 18 amost 19 years they've missed in my life, and they can't make up the 17 years of my brothers. Maybe when were both older they'll realise they missed out, but right now they don't care enough to support either one of us for anything we do in life! It's there lost, not mine! I feel better after writing this and crying while writing this.

Peace Out,
Samanth Kidder

Please Pray For Haiti

Sunday, February 14, 2010



So pumped, so today i woke up and took my weight and i freaken lost 6 lbs YAY! About 2 weeks ago i gained 4 lbs back, and last week i didn't gain or lose anything. But this week i lost the 4 that i grained and 2 more on top of it! All week long i keep thinking that i grained weight and was complaining in my head haha but i guess i was wrong :). I like it when i'm wrong, well sometimes i mean that really would of stunk if i didn't lose any weight and gained some :( !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti
Pou Bondye fè avèk ou

Saturday, February 13, 2010



So i have no idea why im so tired, like today i could of jsut stayed in bed and never got out. I've been really tired the last couple days, but i dont know if it has anothing to do with me not going to bed at a normal hour or if it is because i've not been sleeping well at all at night time. I think its more the not sleeping good at night thats really messing me up. Oh Well.

So my grandpa had the surgery done on his next and it was 99% blocked, the dr said that he shouldn't keep having strokes since it was cleaned out. But he's in ICU since they can't get his blood pressure under control and they can't get him to eat. Since they had to move a nerve in his neck it has messed his face up and he can't close his mouth really. The dr said that as he starts to heal his face will go back to normal but for the time being he will look a little odd. My grandma is going to go back down tomorrow morning to see him so she wont be at church tomorrow, so my dad is going to have to take ray and myself to church. And its scout sunday ugh its going to freaken be long i can already see it. But the good news is that i wont be there next sunday so i get a sunday off :), i'm having my wisdom teeth removed on tuseday so i'm not going to church sunday because well im sure i wont feel in the mood to go LOL! Anyway haha i hope my grandpa gets feeling better and gets out of ICU soon.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti 
Pou Bondye fè avèk ou

Friday, February 12, 2010

Who The Heck Is Reading MY BLOG ?!?


Ok so if your my family or some form of family confess up now on who you are! Cuz i dont want to put stuff on here and someone get all bend out of shape cuz i might of pissed you off or something. Cuz it's happened before! IF YOUR A FAMILY MEMBER COMMENT THIS POST AND SPILL THE BEANS WHO YOU ARE! Cuz i know some people in the family is reading it cuz i only put some things on here and no where else and yet people are asking me about something i never told them! Oh and who ever has a think against MICHAEL JACKSON and saying im to young to be a fan CAN GO SUCK BALLS! If you dont like the music on my blog then MUTE YOUR COMPUTER PEOPLE AND GROW SOME!

Thanks ! 

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Snow pictures :)


So here are some pictures of the snow we got here in maineville,ohio :) ! Oh and here is a link to see rest of the pictures on my facebook !

Yeap Woo


So here i am on a friday afternoon bored as heck! I got up this morning like around 9:30am to go clean the church, that i go to. Normally my grandma and uncle help but my uncle is sick or something and my grandma is at the hospital with my grandpa. So i had my dad take me up to the church to help me clean. It went really well for the most part, i didn't so anywhere near as much as i normally do. I just went and made sure everything looked ok and left. LOL. But like now im home and really bored. Normally i wouldn't be waking up till right now LOL, but i've been up a couple hours and im not sure what i want to do. Like there is so much stuff i could do, but to pick the thing that i want to do is hard. Like i know for a fact im going to watch SPEED TV at 1:30pm because one of the nascar series is having practice, i dont know if its the sprint cup or if it is nationwide. I kind of hope its the sprint cup so then i can see my favorite drivers lol. Oh well.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Thursday, February 11, 2010



So yeah im a little erked with some people. I mean i know i should just ignore it but i mean its been building up to a point and i can't stand it now. So i'm just erked right now, i mean people are so fake. I and im tired of people that are like that i mean shoot maybe if they weren't i'd be ok right now but im now. Oh well who cares about them!

So my grandpa has been in the hospital for like 2 weeks now and he has to have his carotid artery on his left side i think cleaned out. It is like i think 60% blocked or something. But he was suppose to have the surgery this morning but something happened and they couldn't so he is going to have the surgery tomorrow morning at 10:30am. I wont be able to go since i'll be at church cleaning, but i hope that everything goes well. :)

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, February 10, 2010



So today was another boring day, i went outside and cleared the 2 sidewalks. Then i went over to my uncles and helped my dad clean his driveway off. And that was about all, haha like i've done nothing at all today, other than that. That makes me feel really lazy ya know HAHA. Oh well.

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Tuesday, February 9, 2010



So im sitting here at like 11:27pm on a tuseday night and there is so much snow outside right now! It's still snowing and it's not suppose to stop still tomorrow morning. I mean we already have 8 inches out there, and i think we already for like 2 more inches just tonight after i went out and checked how much now we got. So i'm going to go back out tomorrow afternoon to check and see how much snow we got total! I've also heard were suppose to get more snow this up coming weekend, thats just all we need is more snow. Oh well thats winter for you. So today i really didn't do anything at all, i just watched tv and was on the computer. I just finished making this play list on this blog the Michael Jackson music, i hope everyone likes it i know i do! R..I.P. Michael Jackson :) ! Right now i'm listening to his music, you know for only being 18 i am a really big fan, more than my mom and dad haha and my dads like 46 and my mom's 39. LOL. Oh well  haha !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti



Hiya, yeah so today was LAME ! Like i did nothing, i woke up around noonish, watched some youtube videos, and played some Modern Warfare 2 on the ps3. I'm awesome at the game, lol i just dont play it very often or for a long time. Like i've had the game since the day it came out. But i've only played the game a total of 47 hours, and im rank 58 or 59 a 2 star general :) ! Yeah but anyway, were suppose to get more snow ! I've heard different reports from different new stations, some say 4-6inches and another one says 6-8inches. So who really knows how much snow were going to get, and on top of it, its not suppose to stop snowing till wed. morning. So yeah, oh and i wonder if there going to keep the roads clear or its going to be crazy and the roads will be blocked. But the worse part is we got hit by a snow store friday night, we alrady have like 5-6inches of snow on the ground and now to get 6-8 more inches of snow on top of it will be crazy. Oh and i was looking at the 7 day forecast and it showed we might get snow again this upcoming weekend! Dude really WTF, like i dont get why out of nowhere were getting all this snow, i mean we've not had a bad now all winter long and now we got one. But that seems to be how it always is, we get a bad snow at the end of jan. beginning of feb. every year. Oh well as long as no one gets hurt everything will be ok!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Colts Lost :(


So i like football alot, i mean i dont go around saying crap about it. But if its on tv and im flipping through the channels i'll watch it. My favorite football team is the "New England Patriots. But they weren't in the super bowl so i was like well i'll root for the Colts since i dont know anything about the Saints. Well the saints won and the colts lost! I was a little pissed since the colts were winning in the first half and then everything went to pot and the saints started to win. But whatever i mean its just football lol, i'll live. So here i am now really bored doing nothing but watching youtube videos. Its not that fun at all, oh well ! lol

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Makin SOME LOVE haha


So i'm in the middle of making some brownies cuz there awesome like that! I hope they turn out good, the last couple times we've made brownies with is brand of brownie mix its kinda turned out ehh. And i  know its not me cuz i love to bake so i'm thinking its the mix. My brother made brownies with it also and it was not right either. So who knows, if this time they dont turn out right, then maybe the box of mix we have is just messed up ?!? Any who  we got a good amount of snow, well i mean no where near as much as DC, they freaken are getting like 33 inches of snow CRAZY! I mean we only got like 6inches i think. So thats alot to us but it's not to bad i guess. So yeah, and i freaken hope it melts away really fast, i mean not to fast to where its going to flood, but enough to where its not going to be around very long like maybe 2 days at most LOL. I can't wait till freaken summer is around, i mean who likes winter ? NOT me, i hate this season, i love summer and i can't wait till it gets nice and warm/hot outside!

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Friday, February 5, 2010

Snow ehh


So like were suppose to get like 6-7inches of snow tonight. I freaken hate snow, i mean maybe if i liked winter and maybe if i was in the mood for snow. But right now i feel like crap, and well im so ready for summer its not even funny. The cold is just so eh, i think people who like winter are CRAZY! OMFG, i feel like i've been ran over my a truck, my back and belly, and head and am just fuckin in pain LOL. yeap

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

CRAZY 2010


Holy cow, like so much stuff is going to be happening in 2010. Yeah i know it's already February, but this up coming summer crazyness is going to be happening. Like..

1) My dad's suppose to be moving to florida. Were (my dad and myself) going down in april to see my brothers marching band play at disney world but were also there looking for homes. He's going to see about moving around tampa and the st. petersburg area.

2) I'm going to see about going back to college in southern florida for photography if i can get into the school.

3) My brother is graduating in June. I mean he's my little brother i think thats crazy, i mean im only 18 and he's 17 but still LOL. Then he's going to college this fall in ohio.

4) Were moving everything out of the house and my grandparents are putting the house i've grown up in for sale, its going to be really sad when everything is moved out of here. I'm really going to miss this house. There hoping to put it up for sale this spring and have it sold this summer or fall.

So much stuff is going to be happening this spring and summer and fall LOL. I just hope i can make it and not lose my head and go crazy in the middle of everything. There will be alot of praying happening as time gets closer to everything. :) I just hope everything goes ok.

Oh this is random but like my uncle went into the hospital today. They think he might of had a heart attack, but there not sure yet. He looks ok but looking ok on the outside doesn't mean that you look ok on the inside. There going to run a lot of test tomorrow and the next upcoming days so they can figure out whats wrong and try to fix it. He seemed to be doing ok, but i think he was having chest pains off and on. The doctor tonight said it wasn't another heart attack coming on, but that he wasn't sure, and wouldn't be able to tell whats going on till the test are over with. I just hope that everything goes as good as it can go for some one in the hosptial ! I love you uncle jim :) i'll keep you in my prays !

Peace Out,
Samantha Kidder

Pray For Haiti